Chapter 7. 1815 

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: from this moment forward, Cassandra is going to be known as Cecily!
Once their dance came to a close an hour later, Anthony escorted Cecily out to the courtyard. There was one thing he was wanting to do before anything else became finalized. He stopped at the railing overlooking the gardens and turned to face her. "My dearest Cecily, there is something I need to ask you."
Cecily. "What is it?"
Anthony took her hands. "May I kiss you?"
Cecily felt her heart stop, her eyes whitening with shock. Lord Anthony Stratford, the Duke of York, had just asked to kiss her. She suddenly realized what was happening, what was going to happen. The silver flame would ignite. Their bond would be awakened.
Anthony caressed her cheek. "Is that all right? I won't do anything if you are not comfortable."
Cecily shook her head. "No no, it's perfectly all right. It's just that I have never been kissed by anyone before. Then again, I have not found my intended until you."
Anthony smiled, caressing her cheek again. "And I have never felt this connection until I found you."
They held one another's gays, several emotions passing between them. Their eyes held passion, desire and longing, love and adoration. Slowly, they came closer and closer until their lips met.
Cecily closed her eyes, her arms instinctively sliding around Anthony's neck as she kissed him. Fire exploded through her entire body at that single and gentle touch. She couldn't believe this was happening, truly happening.
Anthony held her tightly against him, his tongue sliding free from his mouth and gliding across hers, asking for entrance. He felt no resistance as she opened her mouth, and he plunged his tongue between her lips. He growled with pleasure as his tongue glided across hers.
As they continued kissing passionately, they felt heat radiate between their bodies, soon beginning to surround them. Moments later, they were engulfed in a brilliant silver flame. The flame cascaded around them, bathing them with magnificent beams. Once it disappeared, drastic changes had been made to the young couple.
Cecily's gown was no longer dusty pink, but a brilliant coral pink. The teardrop shaped gold and teal gemstones along her bodice sparkled brilliantly. Feeling a piece of jewelry on her left hand, she raised it in front of her eyes and gasped as she saw the magnificent ring before her.
The band was composed of white gold, the gemstones consisting of yellow diamonds and a red ruby. The gemstones glittered brilliantly beneath the moonlight. The ring was a perfect fit.
For his own transformation, Anthony's suit, at least the jacket, had been transformed into a brilliant maroon jacket with gold and red embroidery along the shoulders. His trousers remained the same, along with his shirt and cravat. His left hand held the same ring.
Cecily smiled, her hands becoming intertwined with his. "It seems the silver flame has ignited at last."
Anthony returned her smile, kissing her softly. "It's certainly has my love. And with these rings, everyone in the ton will know that we are intended."
Cecily. "They certainly will."
Anthony kissed her softly once again. "Come to my house for dinner tomorrow evening. I'd like you to meet my mother."
Cecily felt her heart spiral into happiness. She was going to meet Anthony's mother. "I would love that, as long as I can bring my mother along."
Anthony's eyes danced with excitement. "Of course you can. My mother would love to meet you and Elizabeth. You can even bring George with you."
Cecily giggled. "I would be honored to bring my mother and brother your grace."
Suddenly, the sound of stumbling footsteps caught their attention. Turning their heads, they saw George nearly tripping out of the ballroom and onto the terrace. They were horrified to see tears streaming down his cheeks.
Cecily moved quickly toward her brother, grabbing his arm and bringing him against her. "My dear George, what happened? You look awful."
George clung to his little sister, his body shaking with tears. "She rejected me."
Cecily came away to stare at him. "What do you mean?"
George swallowed hard, his voice breaking. "Anna rejected me."
Anthony walked over to them, his eyes concerned. "But I was under the impression the two of you were intended."
George sniffled, wiping his eyes. "We were, at least I believed we were. Until Anna told me that her true intended was Lord Vincent Chester, Viscount Winchester. She showed me the ring she had, a brilliant pink diamond and amethyst ring. She told me she didn't love me anymore, never had to begin with."
Cecily hugged her brother tightly. "I am so sorry, truly I am. But don't you fret, your intended is out there, waiting for you to find her."
George. "I hope so my dear sister, I truly hope so."
Anthony squeezed his shoulder. "Why not come to dinner tomorrow evening Grafton? Cecily and Elizabeth are coming, and I'd like for you to join them."
George. "I don't know Stratford, I'm not in the mood."
Cecily. "Please brother? It might put your heart at ease."
George smiled softly. "If it makes you happy, both of you, then I will." he then noticed the rings and smiled brightly. "Well, it seems congratulations are in order."
Anthony chuckled. "Thank you my friend. I hope the same happiness arrives for you."
George. "I hope so too. But, for the moment, I will join you for dinner tomorrow evening."
Cecily. "Thank you brother."
The three of them walked back into the ballroom while continuing to chatter. Before he knew it, Lord George Grafton was going to have the perfect young lady as his intended. And she was going to treat him exactly how he deserved to be treated.

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