Chapter 12. 1815 

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Cecily held Anthony close as he collapsed on top of her. She brushed her lips against his temple, running her fingers through his dark red curls. "I love you."
Anthony brushed his lips against her forehead, running his fingers through her platinum blonde curls. "I love you."
Cecily smiled. "You are magnificent."
Anthony smiled back. "And you are ravishing."
Their lips came together for another sweet kiss, which sent them spiraling into another delicious wave of pleasure. It was no surprise that, as Phoenix shifters, they both had quite the stamina. Their ecstasy did not come to a close until the sun began to rise.
One week later, on a clear and warm evening, Cecily was being helped into an elegant dark teal gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. The bodice was decorated with blue diamonds. Her hair was fixed into a lovely side bun with curls along her left shoulder. That evening was going to be very special, she just didn't know it yet.
Rebecca smiled. "You look lovely Miss Grafton."
Cecily smiled at her. "Thank you Rebecca. I still do not know what Anthony has planned for this evening. The only thing he told me was that I would love it."
Rebecca giggled. "Then I believe you must wait and find out."
Cecily rolled her eyes playfully. "I suppose you're right."
The two women smiled as they turned and noticed Anthony standing in the doorway. He was wearing a three-piece black silk suit with a dark teal button up shirt matching cravat and black boots. His eyes sparkled like dark green gemstones.
Cecily smiled, walking over to him. "You look magnificent my dear."
Anthony smiled, caressing her face and bringing her lips to his for a soft kiss. "And you look beautiful my love."
Cecily. "I am anxious to find out what the surprise is."
Anthony chuckled, sliding her gloved hand into his elbow and leading her into his bedroom. "You will find out soon enough. Close your eyes."
Giggling, Cecily did as she was told. She closed her eyes and allowed Anthony to lead her through the bedroom and out onto the balcony. What were they doing here?
Anthony. "All right my love, open your eyes."
Cecily opened her eyes and gasped as she saw what was before her. "Oh my..."
There was a table set for two people in the center of the balcony. The tablecloth was dark gold velvet with dark teal trim. A trio of tall glowing candles were placed in the center of the table, along with a crystal vase filled with pink roses. Above the table was an elegant archway of white and pink roses.
Anthony smiled. "I thought we could enjoy our dinner out here this evening."
Cecily smiled brilliantly. "I think that is a wonderful idea."
They took their seats just as one of the servants poured them each a glass of red wine. Their first course of mushroom and broccoli soup arrived, and was then followed by their second course of pheasant potatoes and vegetables. They enjoyed their dinner while discussing their future, not yet realizing that the evening was far from over.
After enjoying a delicious chocolate soufflé with raspberry preserves for dessert, Anthony took Cecily's hands, helping her rise from her seat and leading her over to the balcony overlooking the gardens. This was it, the moment he was going to officially ask her to be his wife. He took her face between his hands, his eyes locked with hers. "My love, there is a reason I did this for you tonight."
Cecily. "And what is that reason my dear?"
Anthony knelt before her, still holding her hands. His right hand moved across her magnificent ring. His eyes stayed fixed with hers, a soft smile spreading across his face. "My sweet and beautiful Cecily, from the moment we met two months ago, I knew you were my forever. From the moment we had our first kiss, and even more so after we became intimate, I knew you were my duchess. I love you with all of my heart and soul, with every fiber of my being. I promise to cherish you for all eternity. Will you marry me?"
Cecily was crying tears of joy. Anthony was asking her to marry him. To be his Duchess. She smiled brilliantly. "Yes, yes I will."
Beaming, Anthony stood up and brought her against him. His lips came down sweetly on hers, and he kissed her with a fiery passion that she reciprocated. He came away, his eyes dancing with happiness. "I love you."
Cecily's eyes were just as bright. "I love you."
They came closer to exchange another kiss, but then stopped as they noticed their rings beginning to sparkle. They watched as the yellow and red gemstones became engulfed in a silver flame, transforming into a more brilliant shade.  The diamonds were no longer yellow, but a dazzling white. The dark red ruby had become a brilliant burgundy garnet.
Cecily. "My God, what does this mean?"
Anthony smiled, squeezing her hands. "It means we are engaged. No one can come between us. These rings signify our love and commitment to one another. It also signifies that, with us becoming intimate, we have completed the bond and it is now sealed."
Cecily beamed with happiness before pressing her lips to his. "I'm glad everything has fallen perfectly into place."
Anthony smiled, kissing her sweetly. "I am as well. Now, I must ask you another important question."
Cecily giggled. "And what is that my love?"
Anthony's eyes started sparkling. "Why don't we take a little flight?"

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