110. It's Not The Irish

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but the security at the Quidditch World Cup was LACKING


The Weasley's had met up with the Diggory's not soon after the whole Malfoy incident.

It hadn't taken long for Cedric to start asking each of them to tell him precisely what had happened.

He treated it as if Bel had been kidnapped and was purely there against her will.

A theory which had crossed Harry's mind.

But no matter how much they all threw out awful remarks towards the Malfoy's and denied that Bel would ever be in their company at any event, let alone the quidditch world cup, there was no refuting it.

The way she had been dressed certainly indicated that Bel had been staying with the Malfoy's before the world cup.

Another thing she had neglected to tell any of them.

It was all really starting to annoy Harry.

Thinking of her in that house, surrounded by that family, dressing in their style of clothes, listening to their horrific ideals and opinions, being forced to be in the company of Draco Malfoy each day.

His blood was boiling.

Thankfully, no one was around to tell him that he was being silly.

Everyone else seemed just as infuriated as he was. Cedric in particular.

The girl he saw as a little sister spending time with the Malfoy family instead of his clearly got to him.

Fred and George were already conducting a five-point plan to get revenge on Malfoy when school started.

Arthur and Amos were chatting absolute filth about Lucius.

Ginny and Hermione were both secretly whispering about a topic that they didn't exactly want the boys to hear.

The fact that seeing Draco with Bel in such a way made them both involuntarily think of them as a ... couple.

The way he offered his arm out to her in a chivalrous manner, the way his eyes traced her every movement when they weren't glaring up at Harry, the way they were both attractive individuals.

Ginny emphasised the attractive when referring to Bel in particular, both girls making fake retching sounds when mentioning Malfoy.

They also both decided to tease Bel about it relentlessly when they saw her at school.

Harry, on the other hand, had overheard their conversation which only put him in a worse mood.

Ron had also overheard them.

"What are they waffling about?" he scoffed disapprovingly.

"I don't know", Harry replied flatly as the group made their way up the final few metal steps.

The cold wind was really starting to make itself known as the large hats of various colours they were each wearing almost blew off their heads.

"I mean ... Bel and Malfoy? I think I might be sick", Ron commented.

"That makes two of us", Harry muttered, clutching onto the railing a little too hard.

It wasn't just making him feel physically sick, but also angry.

He remembered back to last year when Bel spoke to Malfoy in the hospital wing.

She was too kind for her own good.

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