119. Imperio

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but empty classroom hookups are elite (definitely not foreshadowing anything ;))


Another week passed by.

The entire school had unanimously decided that somehow, Harry Potter was a lying cheat.

Even Ron had come to that conclusion no matter how many times Harry tried to tell him otherwise.

Hermione and Bel had turned into forced messengers for the two considering they were enacting a vow of silence against each other.

Initially, the two girls had thanked God they weren't speaking as it would always turn into some sort of deranged argument when they did.

But after a while, it became rather tedious.

Ron would give Hermione things to tell Harry. Harry would give Bel things to tell Ron.

It soon got to the point where Bel and Hermione both tried to avoid the two as much as possible.

Considering Bel was doing that anyway, it wasn't that hard to implement.

Being one of a very limited group of people who actually believed Harry, not to mention sympathised with him, it did make it more difficult.

She wanted to be there for him but had been given instructions from Dumbledore to let Moody handle it.

The only thing she could do is try and get information out of the DADA professor during their private lessons.

Which is exactly what she was doing in the present moment.

"How's the lad getting on?" Moody asked her as she sat down in the DADA professor's office.

"The entire school hates him, so not very well", Bel answered honestly.

"I gather it must be tricky to believe he had nothing to do with it."

"But he didn't!"

"You and I know that. But can you honestly say that if you had an outside perspective of the whole thing, you wouldn't think otherwise?"


Her answer was stern and certain.

Even if Bel wasn't directly involved and knew for a fact that Harry didn't enter his name into the Goblet of Fire, she would believe him.


Moody sat himself down, taking the weight off his metal leg, and seemed to understand that the student wasn't going to budge on the matter.

"Have you spoken to him yet? The first challenge is happening next month. I've got to be available to help Hagrid when the dragons arrive, and I need time to read up on the species coming that will need attending to, so I don't have much time to help him –", Bel started to ramble before the professor cut her off.

"I haven't yet. But with a month, I'm sure I'll get the chance."

"Of course", Bel muttered.

She had to remember to keep herself unattached.

Act like the side you're on.

Duty before personal matters.

Seclusion is key.

Keep out of it and there will be less chance of her focus shifting when it mattered.

It would limit the danger that had a possibility to strike.

Skill and Seclusion [2] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now