111. The Dark Mark

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but angel number chapter y'all <3


Bel believed herself to have a high pain tolerance.

When she lived in the orphanages, the beatings she would endure as punishments had an effect.

And after three years of consistent training it had definitely improved further.

Bel had been knocked unconscious before, had spells misfire, been cut and bruised and tossed around.

But she had never felt a pain like that night.

The last thing she remembered before it overtook her entire body was seeing Harry stood in the distance.

She had heard his voice yelling out her name, and with the Death Eaters in her immediate range all dealt with, she believed she could shift her focus to make sure he was okay.

Not that it would have mattered. Bel would've turned to face him anyways.

But it was an almost grave mistake for her.

Pretty much the second that Bel locked eyes with him, the pain hit her.

It started in her chest but spread at an alarming rate all the way to the very top of her head and tips of her toes.

Everything hurt.

Her arms, legs, back, front, mind.

It was uncontrollable torture.

As if someone had skinned her alive and was reassembling her organs right there and then as she was wide awake.

And it burned.

Bel thought in the few seconds of consciousness she had to endure the pain in, that she had been set on fire.

Or at the very least was being stabbed with knives that were all set alight.

All she could do in that moment was scream.

Her body gave out almost instantly, bringing her to the ground and the last thing that went through her mind was thinking death had come for her.

It was the only thing that could logically follow such excruciating pain.

And yet, Bel found herself waking up again.

When she did, her body was still tingling with the aftershock of her painful encounter.

But she found it in herself to move, propping herself up onto her elbows to look around.

It was almost silent.

The only sounds heard coming from the crackles of subdued flames upon the wooden objects littered around the campsite.

As her eyes glanced around, panic started to set in.

Everyone was gone.

What had happened?

Was Harry alright?

He was at the world cup with Hermione and the Weasley's and even Cedric and his dad.

Were they all alright?

Bel had been on her way to see them.

Her initial hopes that she could locate them were squandered pretty much the second that she stepped foot into the large and very crowded camp.

But she had pressed on regardless, keeping up her search until something stopped her.

That something being the sound of explosions and screams.

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