129. The Article

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but which would you choose? Harry or Draco?


The weekend of the first Triwizard Tournament challenge had come to an end.

It was now Monday.

The day Bel had been extremely nervous for, as today bought with it the first lesson with Moody surrounding the Cruciatus curse.

But little did she know that such a torturous endeavour was going to be the least of her worries that day.

For as she sat at the Hufflepuff table eating breakfast, the latest article from Rita Skeeter in the Daily Prophet was delivered to students via their owls.

"Ollie, slow down. No one's going to take your food away", Riley scolded her boyfriend who was eating at such a fast rate one would believe he had been starved for the last week.

"We have potions this morning. I'm planning on staying behind over lunch for extra credit. You know ... get me in whatever good books Snape has before I choose it as an O.W.L", Ollie replied after swallowing a large mouthful of breakfast food.

"Those good books are reserved for Slytherins only", Tia chimed in.

"I can at least try. Don't destroy my hopes, Buttleshot", Ollie replied.

"Speaking of hopes ... what do we think this weird session with Sprout is about on Wednesday?" Riley asked her three best friends.

"Don't ask us", Tia said before all three of them turned to Bel.

"I actually have no idea. Which means it's nothing to do with the tournament", Bel answered honestly.

It appears every single house has the same thing that Wednesday after lunch.

Each head of house has reserved a slot in students timetables from fourth year and above.

It was going to take place before her lessons with Dumbledore that week, so Bel would remain just as clueless as her classmates about what it could be.

She didn't like not knowing.

But, at the same time, it was rather fun to be surprised by something.

Having to keep so many things a secret was really starting to bother her.

Being on the receiving end of a secret was slightly refreshing.

"Mail's here", Ollie said as he looked up at the vast number of owls that entered the Great Hall.

As always, Bel didn't bother searching for Gus.

She never received mail, and when she did it was one of the most terrifying things that could possibly happen.

For it came from Voldemort himself.

Which is why she much preferred not getting any mail at all.

One less thing for her to worry about.

But that didn't apply to her three friends.

Ollie received his usual care package from his parents that included a small postcard from wherever in the world they were travelling to whilst their only son was at school.

Tia received a letter from her own parents that she would usually have to pass onto her brother, Patrick.

And Riley received an edition of the Daily Prophet, considering she had been subscribed to the paper all year.

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