1̶ 「 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 」 3̶

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𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄, Solana stayed majorly behind Hershel as they entered, her cooking apron wrapped around her covered with a few speckles of blood.

Due to now having the equipment needed for the surgery, she'd originally thought she'd be able to slide by with only having to help keep track of his vitals and pain.

But due to Hershel's age finally starting to rear it's ugly head, his hands falling into early stage arthritis, causing Solana to have to sub in for a large portion of the surgery with Hershel's instructions of course.

Nevertheless everything turned out alright, which is why the two of them had entered the living to deliver the good news to the ex-husband and wife.

And seeing the two enter the room, the couple almost immediately rushed over towards them T-Dog and Glenn standing up from the couch in worry as well.

"Doc," Rick addressed the older man with a desperate and worry filled look in his eyes, large dark bags hanging underneath them. "tell me something good."

At the man's words, Hershel couldn't help but let out a small scoffed out chuckle, luckily there was good news to deliver this time.

"You're son is doing just fine." He spoke in his southern drawl, almost immediately causing relief to fall over the group, even Maggie who was standing in the door way.

The woman almost immediately darting off after hearing the news, she'd only stayed in order to hear whether the boy would live, if Otis's sacrifice had been for nothing.

"Thank God." Lori almost immediately praised as she held her hands up to her face, Glenn moving around the table to hug the crying woman.

T-Dog letting out a small holler at the news from his spot in front of the couch, everyone filled with enthusiasm at the news of the boy's health.

"Doc, I don't know what I can do to repay you." Rick spoke thankfully as he reached forwards, quickly shaking hands with the man that saved his son.

Smiling over at the man humbly, Hershel shook his hand with the same enthusiasm, however he couldn't take all of the gratitude, he wasn't the only one in that room.

Especially since he had barely even had his hands on the boy's body, the fragments being to deep for anyone but Solana to see, so he had to hand over the reigns majorly to her.

"It's not me you need to repay," Hershel spoke vaguely getting ready to pass the torch over to the smaller woman at his side, the man even stepping to the side before he spoke. "Sunshine 'ere did most of the work."

Hearing the man giving so much of the credit to her, Solana couldn't help the heat that rose up once she saw everyone looking at her thankfully.

Without Hershel none of the would have even been a possibility, it was really him that saved the boy's life, he and Otis were the real heros.

"Goodness, bless your heart," Lori said quickly as she quickly rushed up towards the young woman, grasping both of her hands in her own with tears running down her face. "I wouldn't have my baby without you...-"

As she spoke she looked at Solana so thankfully, the young woman quickly grabbing the favor of the woman, even so Lori slowly turned her head to look at Hershel.

"And you," She spoke towards the man, it wasn't just one person that'd saved her son's life. "and Otis."

At her adding in the man's name the tone in the living room dropped slightly, everyone thinking of the man that'd died in the mission to save Carl.

He would never know that what he had done had been reconciled, that they'd saved him in his name.

"I still gotta tell Patricia." Hershel spoke lowly more so to himself rather than the other people in the room, only the lord knew of what kind of reaction she would have.

"I can help, I can be there for her." Solana almost immediately spoke up as she gently placed her hand on Hershel'd arm, she didn't want to submit him to telling her that alone.

Telling a woman he'd been friends with for hers that her husband had passed in search for medical supplies, died in the same way that so many others of their friends and family had been taken.

"No, no," Hershel spoke softly already haven seen the effect the surgery, itself had taken on the young woman, he couldn't subject her to Patricia most likely heartbreaking reaction. "I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You wouldn't be-" Solana attempted to reassure the man despite not truly wanting to do it, luckily she was interrupted by Rick.

"It's alright," He spoke gaining the attention of the both of them causing them to look over at him, both of which held exhausted looks on their faces. "I can be with you when you tell her."

Lowering her head slightly Solana knew she wouldn't be able to confront Patricia with her husband's death, so quickly reaching her hand out in front of Hershel.

"Thank you." She spoke before Hershel could deny the man's request, the greene family patriarch looking down at her slightly against allowing a stranger to do so with him.

But he knew that he couldn't put Solana threw anymore than what he'd already had, so he backed off simply nodding his head and watching as the two continued to speak.

"It's the least I can do," Rick spoke with a shake of his head, he wanted to do anything he could to repay them for saving the life of his son. "Otis saved my son's life just as much as you two did."

As he spoke Rick softly bowed his head in remembrance to the man that died, his words although causing the already somber tone in the room to drop even lower.

"I-I need a second." Solana squeaked out as her eyes became stained to the ground, the reality of the man's death truly beginning to settle on her.

The girl quickly dipping her head to all of the people in the room before silently turning towards the hallway in a quick attempt to escape the room.

This weight on her chest growing heavily the longer she stood in the room, despite her mutant physiology she still had human emotions.

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