0̶ 「𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚘」 9̶

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𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋'𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐃, Solana lightly tapped the boy's profusely sweating forehead with a small white rag, although she couldn't help but glance down at the boy softly and sweetly.

It hadn't been long since Lori and Rick stepped out of the room in order to have a private conversation, leaving Solana to finish her look over the boy's body.

However, as she looked at his pale skin, she couldn't help but feel the need to do something, which she did as she sat down with the rag instead of replacing it with her hand.

Her open palm lay on the side of Carl's sunken cheek, her hand beginning to glow in the same gold it did when she'd put him to sleep the other night.

This time she only gently healed the fever the boy was starting to develop. They were going to give him the pills Glenn and T-Dog had brought, but right now she thought it was better to let him sleep.

Although now that she was healing the boy, she'd failed to notice the fact that Carl was once again waking up, this time calmer and not in so much pain.

His eyes sparkled as he looked up at the woman, his eyes looking over the golden glowing lines coming over Solana's face; she looked so angelic.

"Are you an angel?" Carl asked lowly as he looked up at the golden woman, his words drawing her attention and causing her to stop healing him and stop glowing.

"Oh no, no, honey," Solana spoke as she stopped healing the boy, only looking down at him like a normal human being. "I'm Solana; your Dad managed to get you to my friend's dad's farm."

"Where's my Dad?" Carl asked as he looked around the room just wanting to see his dad after what'd just happened; he wanted him to know that he was okay.

"He stepped out for a moment," She told the boy simply as she stroked his cheek, the young woman trying to make him as comfortable as possible. "He and your mom are here, I'll go get them right now."

As she spoke, Solana went to stand up and leave the room, although she was unable to do so as Carl grabbed a tight hold over Solana's wrist.

"No," Carl stated sharply as he grabbed a hold of her wrist, quickly stopping Solana from getting up further or leaving the room. "please don't go."

Hearing his words, Solana didn't even hesitate as she sat back down on the side of the bed, a soft smile on her face as she looked down at the poor boy.

"Okay," She spoke softly as she looked down at the boy. She had no problem waiting with him until his parents came back in. "It shouldn't be too long before they come back in to check on you."

With that, Solana grabbed a dry rag off the bedside table, using it to dap up the cool water that she had previously been using to cool the boy down.

"How were you...glowing?" Carl asked hesitantly after a few seconds of just watching the woman dap at his forehead; it was all he could think about right now.

Hearing his question, Solana couldn't help but chuckle as she finally got all the water and left-over sweat off of his forehead as she sat the rag back down.

"I'm a mutant," Solana told him simply as she laid her hands on her lap, she had no problems talking about her origin and original upbringing. "I glow when I use my powers, they're not the best for stealth, but they work."

"A mutant, we learned about those in school they said mutants were dangerous." Carl spoke softly as he thought about what he'd been told about mutants; there had even been a mutant in his class. "you don't look very dangerous."

Pierre Taylor and the two had been friends for a few weeks after the mutant had transferred to his school; sadly, the young mutant didn't last long as he had accidentally exposed his powers when they were on the playground.

Carl had always been amazed by the way his old friend had been able to fly through the air after the two of them had planned to jump off the swings together.

Carl missed him.

"Some mutants were, but a majority of us just wanted to live like regular people," Solana explained softly not wanting the boy to think every mutant was nice, especially after what'd happened with Magneto all those years ago. "But after everything that's happened, there aren't any of us left."

With that, she left the tension in the room solemn, which was something she hadn't wanted to do since she had been trying to uplift the boy's spirit, so after a few seconds, she spoke again.

"Especially one as sweet as me, don't you think?" Solana teased as she raised her hands to emphasize her face, the young woman giving Carl the largest smile she could muster.

And seeing that smile, Carl couldn't help but giggle, which, after hearing him start, Solana quickly reciprocated as she too started giggling at her own behavior.

"Can you show me more," Carl asked hopefully after the two finally sobered up from their laughter, his words at first confusing Solana and causing him to continue. "your powers?"

"Well, of course," Solana said, putting a bright smile on her face, it had been a long time since she had been able to show off to someone. "don't tell anyone, but I love putting on a show."

"Okay, let's see, what's my biggest trick," Solana asked herself as she looked up at the ceiling in thought, before one of her favorite tricks came to mind. "okay, but only because you're so adorable."

Throwing the boy a teasing wink before she sat up straight, Solana took a deep breath before holding up her hand and slowly calling on her powers, causing a tennis ball-sized golden orb to form inside of her hand.

It was sitting and swirling in the palm of her hand, the usual golden lines appearing over her skin, leaving an intricate pattern of marks all over her body. At least that was until Solana softly tossed the orb up in her hand.

Once, twice, and three times she tossed it up in her hand before tossing it forward right into Carl's lap, almost causing the boy to jump up if not for it dissipating in his lap.

It became a small golden version of the very farm house they were inside of; it was a complete breakdown of the entire property sitting on top of Carl's lap.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 ✵ 𝐑. 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 + 𝐃. 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now