1̶ 「 𝙻𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚎 」 6̶

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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄, Solana softly hummed old mainstream love songs as she sliced a whole lemon in half, a basket filled with more of the plump slightly sweet lemons put off to the side of her.

The young woman, after having checked on Carl's temperature, comfort, and conditions, went out to the few lemon trees at the edge of the Greene family's backyard to pick a few since they were in the harvest.

So with a basket filled with finally ripe lemons, the young mutant swiftly brought them back to make the most obvious choice: lemonade. Only after she'd finished a few of her other chores for the day.

As she sliced the half of lemon into six smaller half-lemon slices, the feeling of vibrations in the form of footsteps against the wooden floors began to make their way over to her mentally.

The feeling not putting the young mutant off as she waited to see who would be joining her in the kitchen, given Hershel being in charge of the next round of checkups for Carl.

"Uhh," One of the newcomers, Glenn, if Solana remembered right by the nervous pitch in his voice, spoke causing the young woman to turn around towards him. "good morning, Solana-oh uh...Sunshine."

As she looked at him, an amused smile graced her face as she heard his stutter of her name, clearly indecisive on which one to call her despite her going by both.

"Either of them is fine," Solana spoke with a soft giggle as she picked up the already sliced lemons, then dropped them into a large acrylic teapot-shaped pitcher. "just more used to hearing Sunshine."

Nodding his head, Glenn took in her words with a nervous yet relieved smile, realizing this group was a lot less violent than the last one they went to.

That being said, the other group didn't turn out to be such a bad idea after the initial accident, Glenn was more so worried about making a bad impression like the vatos almost left on Rick, Daryl, T-dog, and himself.

"Noted," Glenn spoke with another nod of his head before he motioned to the left of himself where he had entered the house from the front door. "uhm a few of us are chopping wood out near the tree line, I just came back to check for some water for a few canteens."

Turning back toward the woman, Glenn raised his canteen, everyone else's canteen in the pack on his back as he was sent in to fill as many as possible if possible. If not he was to come back either for a second round or to bring back someone for help.

Subsequently, Solana's eyes widened as she felt she was right on time with her idea to make lemonade this morning.

"Well we have the old well out back and a few water tanks," She answered simply as she turned to point at the window that faced the backyard before she moved back to her spot with the lemons.  "but I am making lemonade if you guys want any?"

Glancing down at the pitcher and basket placed on the kitchen table, the young man until now had been ignoring the table and what was on top of it.

The young Korean man quickly took in the contents of the table, causing his eyes to go wide not having had any type of lemonade in a long while.

Water had been scarce for them previously if not for the truck they'd found on the highway, however, that was currently still where they'd found it, which was also out of their current reach.

"Really," He asked more so grateful than hesitant,  however not wanting to seem unwilling as the lemonade sounded more than refreshing. "that'd be great actually."

As he finished speaking he stepped further into the kitchen, no longer worried about saying the wrong thing as the material and gravitating aura of Solana did its thing.

"Sweet, I'm just finishing up," Solana remarked with a soft smile on her face as she placed a couple of cups on a dark brown wooden rectangular serving tray. "could you help me carry the cups outside?"

As she asked she looked up at Glenn, a soft smile that could almost seem as sultry, especially toward someone who hadn't seen an available woman in months.

That being said the light pink blink that's begun to appear on Glenn's cheeks was almost natural, especially given his pale easily distinguishing skin.

"Oh, no problem." The young man spoke with a soft nervous chuckle as he stepped forward, attempting to retrieve the tray from Solana's awaiting hands.

However, as the woman went to pick up the tray and hand it to him, a strange familiar tickle ran down the back of her neck.

The woman's eyes swift to shine their natural whitish gold as her head subconsciously threw back, her actions immediately noticed by Glenn.

Whose eyes furrowed as he watched the near-mystical lines begin to appear on Solaan's skin, slowly drifting from every end of her being to meet below the fabric of her skirt and cropped shirt.

"Someone's here," Solana spoke after a few seconds the cars used by the rest of Glenn's group having triggered her senses as they approached the farm. "the rest of your group."

At the finished of her words, Glenn couldn't help but let out a deep breath there having been a long pause between Solana's words, leaving the man to overthink for a multitude of seconds.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 ✵ 𝐑. 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 + 𝐃. 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now