Definition of Destiny

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Definition of Destiny

Shan POV:

I stared at the pictures I took of Marvin by the sea.

To this day I still can't believe that Marvin is gone. They say time heals for me the pain still hasn't gone away.

My therapy is helping me. Somehow I feel better.

My parents and siblings tell me that I prefer to work. That I will slow down at work first.

I always answer them that it's better like this than doing nothing.

I also went home to Marvin's house.

"Marvin, What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop." I laughed like there was no tomorrow and then I cried.

"Fuck..." while looking at Marvin's picture.

"Marvin, tomorrow I'm going to Rayong province for my photo shoot. Don't worry, I'll be careful." I hugged his picture.

I was about to go to bed when NongAshley came with food.

"Mom sent this," he put down more grocery bags.

For a one-year supply of groceries that mom gave me.

"Please tell Mom thank you," NongAshley just smiled.

Later, my brothers came with grocery bags. They were happy to see NongAshley.

"P'Shan, do you want to go camping?" I nodded but I told NongAshley that it's only next week because I'm going to Rayong province tomorrow.

They even asked for a match when I returned from Rayong province.

They even helped me pack things that I will bring tomorrow.

There they slept at my house.

The next day I woke up early. When I came down, my older brother was cooking breakfast.

Punpun arrived home and ate there too.

"Boss, everything is ready. Our model is at the hotel for the photoshoot." while he was getting food.

After 30 minutes we said goodbye to them.

Our trip took two hours and one minute and during that trip, Punpun told me many stories. He also turned my car into a concert venue.

"Boss, we're here," we're at the hotel.

The other staff and models are also there.

We checked in first before we set up.

I'm alone in my room. I just put my things down then I went down again.

I thought of going to their garden because one of the hotel staff told me that it is one of the best attractions in their hotel.

He praises the gardener who has work.

I thought what one of the hotel staff said was exaggerated, but it's indeed so beautiful.

I walked around the whole garden. He saw me fixing up the garden and saw me using a power saw to cut some wood.

When he faced me, I didn't know what I would feel.

He looks like Marvin and I'm not under the illusion that it's just a figment of my imagination.

Especially when he spoke, I wanted to hug him tightly.

"Sir, are you okay?" he gave me a tissue.

"Sir," I couldn't help but hug him.

"It's alright," as he stepped on my back.

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