Chapter 204 He also fell into trouble

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"Then you live with me!"

After Gu Xiangjin said these words, Xia Yuandan was obviously startled, and confusion and panic flashed across his eyes.

"I...I..." Xia Yuandan lowered his head: "I'm not worthy of you!"

I'm not clean, I've given birth, I've washed my marks and I've had an abortion, how can I be worthy of you?

Xia Yuandan could feel Gu Xiangjin's kindness to him, but he couldn't respond.

"I like you, and you deserve it."

Gu Xiangjin approached him and said, "Just tell me, do you want to be with me?"

Xia Yuandan shook his head: "I don't want to be with you."

"You..." Gu Xiangjin was furious: "How am I inferior to that scumbag Yun Ziqiu? Why don't you want to be with me?"

"Young Master Gu, you are very good! But I really don't deserve you."

Xia Yuandan didn't dare to get involved with these powerful princelings in Kyoto again. He was so badly injured that he wouldn't dare to do it again.

What if Gu Xiangjin was just like Yun Ziqiu, just on a whim? He really didn't have the body and mind to pay again.

Even if Gu Xiangjin really wants to live with him, can the Gu family agree?

The Gu family and the Yun family are equally powerful, and Gu Xiangjin will definitely marry a well-matched daughter. How can he, a commoner, be qualified to climb high?

Xia Yuandan is very sober now and knows how much he weighs. So I won’t agree impulsively just because I’m told.

His expression was firm and showed no signs of loosening. Gu Xiangjin said irritably: "You said I like you! Why do you still reply to me like this? Am I so bad?"

"No! You are really good!" Xia Yuandan said sincerely: "The gap between us is too big!"

"What's the point! I like you and want to be with you, nothing else matters."

"Important! The gap in family status cannot be bridged at all."

Xia Yuandan said very rationally: "Young Master Gu, your family will definitely not think so."

Gu Xiangjin moved his lips but did not refute him.

Xia Yuandan looked at him and smiled slightly: "Actually, you didn't think about it at all. You should feel sorry for me, so you want to protect me. Omega seems like a vulnerable group and needs to rely on Alpha to survive. But in fact, we Omega can also be self-reliant and not dependent on anyone.”

It is undeniable that this confession is indeed somewhat impulsive. Gu Xiangjin organized his thoughts: "I'm not just acting on a whim, I really like you."

"Just because we have a good impression doesn't mean we can go on together. Mr. Gu, you can meet a better Omega than me, so there's no need to waste your time on someone like me who has a lot of experience."

Xia Yuandan glanced at Xia Kang'an, who was accompanying his wife to play with toys: "After I recover, Kang'an and I will go back."

Gu Xiangjin felt very reluctant in his heart: "Are you really going back? Stay in Kyoto for a while, or we can go somewhere else..."

Xia Yuandan interrupted him: "Xiajia Village is my home. Kang An and I live more comfortably in the village."

After a long time, Gu Xiangjin nodded and said: "Okay! Go back! I'll take you back!"

Xia Yuandan smiled and said nothing.

Two days later, when Gu Xiangjin went to the hospital again, he found that Xia Yuandan and Xia Kang'an were no longer in the ward.

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