Chapter 220 I love him

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Gu Xiangjin felt that Yun Ziqiu was just pretending to be stupid.

Xia Yuandan's sudden disappearance definitely had a lot to do with the scumbag in front of him.

"Don't pretend to be so! Is it your fault that Xia Yuandan suddenly withdraws the lawsuit?"

Yun Ziqiu frowned: "I just forced him to withdraw the lawsuit, but I didn't force him to leave. Isn't he still living in your apartment?"

"Fart!" Gu Xiangjin cursed loudly: "Where did you hide him? Yun Ziqiu, do you dare to do it? You have the ability to hide Xia Yuandan, but you don't have the ability to admit it?"

"I left after seeing him."

After Yun Ziqiu finished speaking, he saw Gu Xiangjin's face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "What happened?"

"You better tell the truth, otherwise I will never let you go!"

After Gu Xiangjin finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Yun Ziqiu realized something was wrong.

Could it be that Xia Yuandan is missing?

Otherwise, Gu Xiangjin would not have said that.

Yun Ziqiu immediately called his assistant and asked him to investigate Xia Yuandan's whereabouts.

Three days passed, and there was no news from Xia Yuandan.

Yun Ziqiu was anxious, and he sent many people throughout the city to look for Xia Yuandan. But his subordinates only found out that Xia Yuandan left Kyoto and returned to Xiajia Village three days ago.

Yun Ziqiu drove quickly to Xiajia Village. The door of Xia Yuandan's house was closed and no one was living there.

I asked many villagers and they all said that he left after coming back.

Yun Ziqiu felt that Xia Yuandan must be hiding and deliberately making him anxious. Maybe this was a conspiracy between him and Gu Xiangjin, just to force him to hand over Xia Kangan's custody rights.

right! That must be it!

You must not fall into their scheme!

Yun Ziqiu returned to Kyoto and continued to investigate Xia Yuandan's whereabouts.

He felt that as long as Xia Kang'an was with him, Xia Yuandan would be reluctant to leave.

But Yun Ziqiu was wrong!

A week has passed, and there is still no news from Xia Yuandan.

Longqi Continent is so big, it is not easy to find someone.

It will take a long, long time to investigate province by province, city by city, and county by county...

Yun Ziqiu was furious in the office: "That's all you have? Can't you find anyone?"

The assistant was uneasy: "Young Master Yun, it's really difficult to investigate. He did not leave Xiajia Village through formal channels."

Yun Ziqiu took the case and said: "Investigate surveillance and investigate street by street. We must dig three feet into the ground to find him."


The assistant wanted to explain, but Yun Ziqiu didn't give him the chance.

"I'll give you three days to find him."

The deadline set by Yun Ziqiu made it particularly difficult for the assistant. He plucked up the courage to speak: "Master Yun, many of the small roads in the village are not monitored. If Mr. Xia left in a black car, there would be no way to trace his whereabouts."

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