Chapter 221 Only love one person in your life

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Yun Shang always felt that she knew Yun Ziqiu very well, but the lost and embarrassed man in front of her was not the high-spirited brother in her memory at all.

This man who is troubled by love and has red eyes is just a loser in love.

Yun Shang sighed heavily: "Do you really not mind Xia Yuandan's past? Don't forget, he and Gu Xiangjin even had children."

Yun Ziqiu said firmly: "I don't mind! As long as he comes back, I can accept his past."

Yun Shang was surprised, she didn't expect that he could make such a concession.

"But what should Gu Simeng do? Your wedding will be in three days."

Yun Shang was worried: "The invitations have been sent out, and all the celebrities in Kyoto know that you are getting married. Now that you have broken the engagement for Xia Yuandan, where does this put the Yun family's face?"

"I will explain to the Gu family that Gu Simeng and I have no feelings, we are just using each other. Now that I have found the person I love, I will not marry anyone else except Xia Yuandan."

Yun Ziqiu's tone was firm and his attitude was very resolute.

Yun Shang looked anxious: "You are really in trouble! How should you explain to grandma?"

"Grandma can punish me however she wants. I think clearly."

Yun Ziqiu looked decadent, but his eyes were extremely bright.

Xia Yuandan's sudden departure allowed him to seriously and calmly examine the relationship between the two.

He thought very clearly that he loved Xia Yuandan.

Not like, but love.

A man may like many people but only love one person.

He wasn't aware before, but now he's awake.

Really, there's never been a more sober time than now.

Yun Shang looked at her slovenly younger brother, who was about to look like a grown-up boy, and sighed, "It's not an option for you to wait here. If he doesn't come back, you'll have to keep waiting."

"I want to bring Xia Kangan back, and we'll wait for Xia Yuandan to come back together. He will definitely be reluctant to leave us, father and son."

Yun Ziqiu's words shocked Yun Shang: "Impossible! Grandma won't agree."

Mrs. Yun particularly likes Xia Kang'an and completely trains him as the future head of the family.

How could she give the heir to Yun Ziqiu and let him take him to the countryside.

"Xia Kang'an is my and Yuan Dan's son. I decide who the child should live with."

Yun Ziqiu has always blamed himself. If he had given up custody of Xia Kangan, Xia Yuandan would not have left.

Yun Shang tried to persuade him for a long time, but when he saw that he had made up his mind, he knew that he could not persuade him.

When Mrs. Yun learned of Yun Ziqiu's decision, she was so angry that she cursed: "For a man who doesn't know how to behave, you are going to make the entire Yun family the laughing stock of Kyoto."

Yun Ziqiu was speechless.

Mrs. Yun's face turned livid and she yelled angrily: "If you insist on being with Xia Yuandan, you will never enter the Yun family's door."

Yun Ziqiu looked at her with a rock-hard gaze: "Grandma, I'm sorry! I let you down!"

Thinking that he was going to admit his mistake, Mrs. Yun's expression was relaxed, and the relief in the corners of her eyes and brows had not spread yet because of Yun Ziqiu's next words, all her face froze.

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