Chapter 227 Yun Ziqiu's eye turned red. "XiaYuanDan can't it be different?"

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After Yun Ziqiu's repeated tossing, his wound opened again.

The attending doctor and nurse came to remove the gauze and change his dressing. The doctor repeatedly told him to rest in bed and not to get out of bed and move around at will.

Yun Ziqiu didn't take his words to heart at all. As long as he could keep Xia Yuandan, he would be willing to do it no matter how serious the injury was.

After the doctor and nurse left, there were only two people left in the ward.

Yun Ziqiu looked straight at Xia Yuandan. If it weren't for his mobility difficulties, he really wanted to stay by Xia Yuandan's side.

Xia Yuandan forced herself to ignore the hot gaze falling on her body and just pretended that Yun Ziqiu didn't exist.

Seeing that he didn't speak or look at her, Yun Ziqiu felt a little anxious.

Xia Yuandan's attitude is still unclear. What if he leaves again?

"New Year--"

Yun Ziqiu called out softly: "I want to drink water, can you get me a glass of water?"

Xia Yuandan stood up from the chair, poured him a glass of warm water and placed it on the table.

"My hands are weak, can you hand it over to me?"

Yun Ziqiu looked at him pitifully, looking very humble.

Xia Yuandan held up the water cup and handed it to him. Yun Ziqiu felt happy and reached out with his fingers——

The next second, water splashed in his face.

Xia Yuandan put the empty cup on the table and said coldly: "Isn't it fun to pretend to be pitiful?"

Yun Ziqiu ignored the water on his face and hurriedly explained: "New Year's Day, I'm not..."

"Isn't this how you want to keep me?"

Xia Yuandan hated Yun Ziqiu very much. He would rather be the one lying in bed now than owe Yun Ziqiu any favors.

Meeting Xia Yuandan's sharp gaze, Yun Ziqiu swallowed back the excuses on his lips. He smiled sadly: "Yes... I really think so. I know you will definitely not agree when you see me like this." Will just walk away."

Xia Yuandan gritted his teeth: "Yun Ziqiu, you are so despicable."

"I'm a despicable bastard. I can't help it. I can't let you go. I can only try my best to keep you. I won't let go of every opportunity I get to keep you. Even if it means losing my life, I don’t care either. It’s meaningless for me to live without you by my side.”

Yun Ziqiu raised his eyes and carefully looked at Xia Yuandan, whose face was full of frost: "New Year's Day, can you forgive me?"

"I can't forgive you!"

Xia Yuandan looked directly into Yun Ziqiu's eyes, her black eyes firm: "I can't forget the past. I really don't want to see you again. Yun Ziqiu, let me go, and let yourself go. You You can find another Omega to start a new family, don’t waste your time on me.”

Almost as soon as Xia Yuan'an finished speaking, Yun Ziqiu said eagerly: "I don't want anyone, I only want you! New Year's Day, I beg you, please don't say such things again. I have no way to find anyone else, all I have in my heart now is You, and I just want to be with you.”

No matter how sincere and touching the words of love are to an injured person, they will only awaken his painful memories.

"You said that I can't leave if you don't want to."

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