Chapter 212 Aren't all men like this?

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Xia Yuandan never expected that Yun Ziqiu could be so shameless.

His face turned red and he gritted his teeth. If his hands hadn't been fixed, he might have punched Yun Ziqiu in the face.

What an asshole!

Xia Yuandan didn't curse. Yun Ziqiu also knew what he was thinking in his heart. He sneered: "You rub yourself in my arms, and if I don't react, am I still a normal man?"

"Let go!" Xia Yuandan said solemnly, his face ashen.

"Be honest!" Yun Ziqiu didn't have any intention of letting him go. She controlled his body with one hand and started eating with chopsticks in the other hand.

Xia Yuandan could feel the changes in his body and did not dare to continue struggling.

But maintaining such a shameful posture made him feel uncomfortable all over.

After all, this is a hospital, and doctors and nurses will come to check the wards at any time. Being seen spreading nonsense has a bad influence.

"Let me go!"

Xia Yuandan had a gloomy face and a harsh tone.

"Let me have a quiet meal and don't make a fuss all the time. You weren't like this before!"

Yun Ziqiu felt that Xia Yuandan had changed a lot and was completely different from before.

She used to be gentle and considerate, but now she's like a hedgehog with thorns all over her body.

But this Summer New Year’s Day is even more interesting.

Yun Ziqiu wanted to tease him, so he held a piece of kale in his mouth, pinched Xia Yuandan's face, and fed it into his mouth.

Xia Yuandan's eyes suddenly widened, and she didn't know where she got the strength to pull out her restrained hand and slap Yun Ziqiu on the face.

A crisp slap sounded, echoing in the quiet ward.

Yun Ziqiu was stunned. He never expected that Xia Yuandan would dare to slap him.

No one dared to hit him since he was young, Xia Yuandan was the first one.

Yun Ziqiu's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Aware of his anger, Xia Yuandan tried to escape, but as soon as she jumped out of Yun Ziqiu's arms, he stopped her and hugged her.

"Yun Ziqiu, don't go too far!"

Xia Yuandan growled: "This is a hospital!"

"If you dare to hit me, you should think of the price you have to pay."

Yun Ziqiu stared at Xia Yuandan's neck exposed outside the collar, feeling that the skin was white and tender.

Make him want to take a bite!

Xia Yuandan was pushed into the bathroom, and Yun Ziqiu locked the door from the inside.

Facing the approaching man, Xia Yuandan backed away with a pale face: "Yun Ziqiu, this is the hospital! You can't be here..."

"You brought this on yourself!"

Yun Ziqiu rushed over, pressed Xia Yuandan in front of the sink, and roughly pulled off his clothes.

Xia Yuandan used her hands and feet to resist: "Get out! Don't touch me!"

The more he struggled, the more Yun Ziqiu wanted to conquer him completely.

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