Chapter 209: Have you thought it through clearly?

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When the familiar pheromones hit, Xia Yuandan struggled to get out of Yun Ziqiu's arms as if she had been stabbed.

"Do not touch me!"

He was shouting hysterically, unable to control his emotions at all.

The pain and resentment that had been suppressed in my heart were all aroused at this moment.

In the past few months, he had told himself not to care or think about everything that had happened to him, pretending that he had forgotten all about the pain.

But when he saw Yun Ziqiu, he only felt resentful.

How much I loved this man once, now I hate him so much. That hatred could no longer be suppressed.

Xia Yuandan's fierce reaction made Yun Ziqiu extremely angry. He shouted in a deep voice: "Do you still want a child?"

Xia Yuandan suddenly became quiet. He shrank and tried his best not to resist.

Seeing that his method worked, Yun Ziqiu's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

He looked down at the man in his arms, smelling the scent of pheromones on his body, and his irritable mood in the past few months finally calmed down.

Yun Ziqiu pinched Xia Yuandan's chin and forced him to raise his head.

Xia Yuandan glanced over. He didn't want to see Yun Ziqiu's face. He was afraid that he would do something drastic if he couldn't help it.

He desperately reminded himself in his heart that he must endure it in order to take Xia Kangan away.

Seeing Xia Yuandan's resistance, Yun Ziqiu was extremely unhappy. He used his fingers to force Xia Yuandan to turn his face: "Look at me!"

Xia Yuandan bit her lower lip and refused to look at him.

"I asked you to look at me!"

Yun Ziqiu's voice suddenly became louder, ringing in Xia Yuandan's ears and making him tremble.

He slowly turned his face and stared at the man in front of him with stubborn eyes.

"How can you return Kang'an to me?"

Yun Ziqiu was inexplicably irritated when he heard that he was talking about children.

Is Xia Kang'an the only one left between them?

Yun Ziqiu tightened his arms and held Xia Yuandan tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that the person in his arms would run away if he let go. His tone was gloomy: "Listen to me. If I'm in a good mood, maybe I can return Xia Kang'an to you."

Xia Yuandan looked at him hesitantly: "Are you serious?"

Yun Ziqiu sneered: "If I want a child, do I need to snatch your child?"

Xia Yuandan asked: "Then return Kang'an to me!"

A guilty look flashed in Yun Ziqiu's eyes, but he quickly covered it up: "Grandma's decision! She won't let the children of the Yun family live outside. What's more, Xia Kang'an is still the grandson of the Yun family."

"Yun Ziqiu, go and persuade the old lady to return the child to me!" Xia Yuandan grabbed Yun Ziqiu's clothes and said eagerly: "You will marry Miss Gu soon! After you get married, You will have your own children, and Miss Gu can give you as many children as you want. I beg you to let me go and give Kang An back to me!"

In the past, Yun Ziqiu was most afraid of Xia Kang'an pestering him, so she would draw a clear line with him when she learned that he liked her. But now that he heard Xia Yuandan's words deliberately drawing a clear line with him, he didn't feel relaxed at all. Instead, he felt particularly angry.

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