Chapter 232 Why don't you let him go?

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It's too late after all!

Yun Ziqiu clenched his fists in annoyance. He should protect Xia Yuandan.

He said in a deep voice: "Gu Simeng, let Xia Yuandan go. The matter between us has nothing to do with him."

"I was hurt so badly by you! Don't even think about cutting off the relationship just by saying it has nothing to do with him."

On the other end of the phone, Gu Simeng's voice was fierce: "Yun Ziqiu, I want you to pay the price."

"Don't embarrass Xia New Year's Day. I will agree to any request you make."

Yun Ziqiu is very calm. The only thought in his mind now is to keep Xia Yuandan safe and sound.

He would not hesitate even if it cost him his life.

Gu Simeng sneered: "Come to the warehouse in the suburbs."

Soon, the address was sent to Yun Ziqiu's mobile phone.

Gu Simeng looked coldly at Xia Yuandan who was tied up next to her, "Yun Ziqiu broke off our engagement because of you. I never expected that he would do such a thing. I really don't understand, since he likes you, why Was it possible to sow discord between you with just a few words?"

Xia Yuandan was silenced and could not speak, so she just sat quietly on the chair.

This morning he went out to buy groceries, and a van suddenly stopped beside him on the way.

Before Xia Yuandan could react, the car door suddenly opened and two tall men pulled him into the car.

Xia Yuandan's mouth and nose were covered and she was knocked unconscious before she could call for help.

When he woke up, he found himself in an abandoned warehouse.

And sitting in front of him was Gu Simeng.

Different from the last time they met, Gu Simeng was in an extremely embarrassed state now.

There was a long scar on her beautiful cheek, from her eyebrow bone to her chin, which looked extremely hideous.

Xia Yuandan didn't know what Gu Simeng had gone through, and Gu Simeng had no intention of telling him more.

Picking up his buzzing cell phone, he dialed a number.

She was calling Yun Ziqiu.

Xia Yuandan heard the phone call just now clearly, but he couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.

"Why don't you say anything? Are you touched?"

Gu Simeng sneered: "You don't think that Yun Ziqiu will really risk his life for you, do you?"

Xia Yuandan shook his head gently.

He had never thought of it this way.

Whether Yun Ziqiu would come to save him or not, it didn't matter to him.

He didn't want to get involved with Yun Ziqiu anymore.

"Yun Ziqiu has no heart at all and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

Gu Simeng hated Yun Ziqiu so much that she wanted to make him miserable.

"Did you see my face? It's all because of him. In order to break off the engagement, he deliberately attracted other Alphas while I was pregnant. He also took photos of me as a blackmail."

Gu Simeng's eyes were red and her expression was full of hatred: "I was forced to break off the engagement and was kicked out of the house by the Gu family because my reputation was damaged. I was homeless and met gangsters..."

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