Chapter 207 Yun Ziqiu, give Kang An back to me

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The quiet mountain village suddenly began to boil. Several black cars drove into the village and stopped in front of a courtyard.

The villagers gathered around curiously. When they saw many tall bodyguards in black walking out of the car, they did not dare to step forward to check the situation.

"What's going on? Are these people here to buy tea for New Year's Day?"

"Is there such a big battle to buy tea?"

"Then what are you doing here? Are you here to seek revenge?"

"Perhaps you are here to find a bride?"

"How could Xia Yuandan have such rich relatives? Look at those cars! They are luxury cars worth millions!"

"You're not really seeking revenge, are you? Are you offending some rich person on New Year's Day?"


The path in front of Xia Yuandan's house was crowded with villagers, all of whom stretched their heads to look around.

Just as the villagers were secretly guessing what had happened, a burst of noise sounded, followed by Xia Yuandan's heartbreaking shout: "...let go! Let Kang An go!"

"Kang An is not Yun Ziqiu's son!"

"He has nothing to do with the Yun family!"

"Get out of here! Get out of here!"

"let me go!"



Xia Kangan's cries could be heard, and the child's shrill cry could be heard through a courtyard wall: "Little uncle——


"Uncle! Help!"

"Bad guy! Let me go!"

"Let me go quickly!"


Following the cry, Xia Kangan was carried out of the yard by a tall bodyguard. He fluttered in the bodyguard's arms and struggled with his hands and feet, but it didn't help at all.

Xia Yuandan rushed out to snatch Xia Kang'an back, but was blocked back to the yard by several bodyguards.

"What's going on? You are robbing the child!"

"Put Kang An down quickly!"

Several enthusiastic villagers rushed forward to argue with the bodyguards.

The village chief came from a distance and said something to the villagers. Surprised expressions appeared on their faces at the same time. They looked at the open door with complex eyes and hesitated for a few seconds before retreating.

When asked by other villagers who were watching the excitement, they shook their heads, whispered a few words, and then went home.

The village chief came out to maintain order and evacuated the onlookers.

The small mountain village returned to peace again.

Xia Kangan was put into a black car, and the car door muffled his weak cries.

Several cars drove out of Xiajia Village one after another.

Aunt Lin next door poked her head out and saw that no one was on the road. She immediately ran to Xia Yuandan's house.

Seeing that the door was ajar, she opened it and saw Xia Yuandan lying on the ground with a bruise on his forehead.

Aunt Lin exclaimed: "New Year's Day! Wake up!"

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