Chapter 219 When you beg me

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Xia Yuandan suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

How could Yun Ziqiu be such a jerk!

" could you do such a thing?"

How could you take such a photo of him? Yun Ziqiu really wanted to destroy him.

Xia Yuandan's eyes were red and he kept struggling.

He is scared!

He underestimated Yun Ziqiu's cruelty!

"If you don't obey, you will pay the price."

Yun Ziqiu tightened his grip on Xia Yuandan's wrist to prevent him from moving.

He tolerated this man again and again, but Xia Yuandan repeatedly touched his bottom line.

He went from being a non-marriage person to wanting to start a family with Xia Yuandan. He really liked this person. But Xia Yuandan betrayed him in addition to betrayal!

Yun Ziqiu really couldn't understand, what's so good about Xia Yuan'an? How could he be forced to this point?

"Yun Ziqiu, let me go!"

Xia Yuandan wanted to struggle, but Yun Ziqiu's hands were so strong that he couldn't get away at all.

He kicked his legs and shouted helplessly and desperately.

Yun Ziqiu turned a deaf ear and just stared at him coldly. His sinister eyes were like a monster with its bloody mouth open, as if it wanted to eat up the people under him.

Xia Yuandan shrank and shivered.

He is afraid! He hates it even more!

Why let him experience all this? Why let him meet Yun Ziqiu.

Yun Ziqiu's hands moved back and forth expressionlessly as they set up the camera equipment.

The strong light shone on his body, making Xia Yuandan tremble all over, and there was deep fear in his eyes.

His expression pleased Yun Ziqiu, she pinched his chin and said with a ferocious smile, "Now you know you're afraid?"

Xia Yuandan glanced over her head, not looking at him at all.

Yun Ziqiu's face was extremely ugly. At this time, Xia Yuandan was still playing tricks on him.

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin!"

Yun Ziqiu grabbed his collar and tore it open——


The clothes were torn open, revealing a large area of honey-colored skin.

"Yun Ziqiu!"

Xia Yuandan screamed.

The moment the clothes were torn apart, Xia Yuandan struggled desperately as if she had been burned.

He was using his hands and feet like crazy.

Yun Ziqiu couldn't hold him down for a while and actually asked someone to tie up Xia Yuandan's hands and feet.

Xia Yuandan's eyes widened with humiliation on his face. His mouth was sealed and he couldn't make a sound. He could only stare at the man in front of him, wishing to cut him into pieces.

Such a look completely angered Yun Ziqiu, and he fiercely tore open Xia Yuandan's only pants.

Under the light, Xia Yuandan's skin seemed to be coated with a layer of high-gloss light, making her look incredibly beautiful. Especially his red cheeks showed endless lust.

Ex-husband wants to remarry again(前夫又又又想复婚了) 2Where stories live. Discover now