Chapter 208 Maybe I can consider returning the child to you

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After Kyoto enters the rainy season, the weather is unpredictable.

The sky was originally clear, but the wind started to blow at some point.

The sky is getting darker and the wind is getting stronger. It didn't take long for raindrops to fall, and the drizzle gradually turned into a downpour.

Yun Ziqiu stood in front of the window, looking at the figure below, frowning slightly.

Xia Yuandan was still standing outside the mansion!

The rain kept falling, but Xia Yuandan never moved. He stood there like a sculpture, not afraid of wind and rain.

Yun Ziqiu felt a strange emotion in his heart, and it seemed a little painful.

This strange feeling made him panic a little. He clenched his fists and told himself that Xia Yuandan was responsible for all this. If he had stayed by his side, he wouldn't have encountered all this.

Xia New Year's Day deserves it all!

Yun Ziqiu sneered and turned around, bumping into the servant who had arrived in a hurry.

"Master Yun, it's not good! The young master doesn't want to eat!"

Yun Ziqiu said solemnly: "A bunch of losers, how many of them can't even look down on a child?"

The servant lowered his head and said anxiously: "Young master...he knocked over everything! He didn't let us get close."

Xia Kang'an has been crying for several days since he was brought back, and he hasn't eaten much.

Yun Ziqiu rushed to the children's room immediately for fear of starving him.

Opening the door, the children's room looked like it had been robbed and was in a mess.

Xia Kangan was crying, "You all go away! Go away!"

"I don't want to stay here!"

"I want to go home!"

"I want to find my uncle!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Little uncle!"


"Little uncle, little uncle!"

Xia Kangan changed his previous sensible and obedient demeanor and clamored to go home.

Several servants looked at him helplessly, no matter how much the servants tried to persuade him, they had no effect.

Yun Ziqiu strode over, squatted beside Xia Kangan, and said softly: "Kang'an, be obedient! Eat well!"

"I don't want to eat!" Xia Kangan cried: "I want to go home! I want to find my uncle!"

"Be good! Eat some food! Listen to daddy!"

As soon as Yun Ziqiu finished speaking, Xia Kangan shouted excitedly: "You are not my father! My father is dead! You are a bad uncle!"

The smile and patience on Yun Ziqiu's face disappeared, and gloomy emotions appeared in his eyes.

In the past few days, Xia Kangan was particularly resistant when seeing him.

The little girl who used to pester him all day now calls him "bad uncle".

All this is because of Xia Yuandan.

Yun Ziqiu held back his anger and decided not to argue with Xia Kangan: "Kang'an, I am really your father!"

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