Chapter 233: Xia YuanDan, you're not leaving, are you?

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The sight of Yun Ziqiu covered in blood shocked Xia Yuandan so much that he fainted.

The ambulance rushed over and sent Yun Ziqiu and Xia Yuandan to the hospital.

Open your eyes and see pure white

After a brief moment of shock, Xia Yuandan came to his senses and quickly got up.

Put on your shoes and rush out the door——

When Luo Chuan saw him waking up, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Xia, how do you feel?"

Xia Yuandan did not answer him, but asked anxiously: "How is Yun Ziqiu?"

Luo Chuan lowered his eyes and sighed: "Master Yun is still rescuing him."

Xia Yuandan's heart thumped, and his vision turned black.

He held on to the door frame to steady his limp body: "Is he...will something happen?"

Luo Chuan said truthfully: "The doctor said that although those knives did not hurt the vital part, they stabbed very deep. The specific situation will depend on the surgery."

Xia Yuandan slapped the door rail hard, and the turbid air swirling in his heart almost drove him crazy.

Yun Ziqiu, this bastard!

Risking his own life just to keep him.


Yun Ziqiu is a madman.

Seeing Xia Yuandan's excitement, Luo Chuan moved his lips, and finally persuaded him: "Mr. Xia, Mr. Yun is not what you think."

Xia Yuandan's eyes were bloodshot, "What do you want to say? Say something nice for him?"

"Not really nice words, just the truth."

Luo Chuan said seriously: "You have the right to know the truth of the matter."

Xia Yuandan pursed her lips and did not respond to him.

Luo Chuan simply said bluntly: "Gu Simeng's infertility was not caused by being injured while trying to save the old lady. It was because she was born infertile. In order to prevent the Yun family from breaking off the engagement with her, she caused the kidnapping incident. The old lady I don’t know the reason, but I think Gu Simeng lost her qualifications to be a mother because she wanted to save herself, and that’s why she wanted to snatch the young master back. After you leave, Mr. Yun will investigate the truth of this matter, and then he will take revenge on Gu Simeng. Gu Simeng is solely responsible for all this."

"Mr. Xia, please don't misunderstand Mr. Yun. He is not a cruel person."

After Luo Chuan finished speaking, Xia Yuandan sneered: "What does this matter have to do with me?"

Luo Chuan was shocked, not expecting him to be so indifferent.

Xia Yuandan looked directly into his eyes: "What does the marriage between the Yun family and the Gu family have to do with me? If Yun Ziqiu really liked me, why didn't he refuse it in the first place?"

Luo Chuan was speechless for a moment.

"There is no such thing as a prodigal son turning back. It's just that he is unwilling to fail."

Xia Yuandan sneered: "Since you can risk your life for me now, why couldn't you refuse such a marriage in the first place? Do you still want me to trust someone who has deceived me and hurt me?"

"Assistant Luo, please stop talking. I don't even know how to deal with the matter between Yun Ziqiu and I. In fact, I hope those few knives stabbed me, so that I wouldn't be so entangled and miserable."

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