Chapter 215 Just because I am your man

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Gu Xiangjin's words made Xia Yuandan feel confused: "I didn't put you on the blacklist."

"Then why can't I get through your call?" Gu Xiangjin looked questioning: "Is it really not you?"

Xia Yuandan took out her mobile phone and dialed his number in front of him.

The result shows that it cannot be connected.

Gu Xiangjin wondered: "What does this mean? Did I blacklist you?"

Xia Yuandan smiled and said nothing.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Gu Xiangjin flipped through his phone for a long time and finally found Xia Yuandan's phone number in the blacklist.

"Hey! Who touched my phone?"

Afraid that Xia Yuandan would misunderstand, Gu Xiangjin hurriedly explained: "I really don't know this matter, so please don't be angry with me."

"Young Master Gu, what are you talking about? In fact, we should keep our distance, otherwise your girlfriend will misunderstand."

After all, Gu Xiangjin had a girlfriend, so Xia Yuandan thought it would be better to see her less frequently.

"How can I have a girlfriend? Who are you listening to? I'm single."

Gu Xiangjin spat: "Someone must be spreading rumors with dirty talk."

Xia Yuandan pursed her lips and did not respond to him.

"Xia Yuandan, why did you come to Kyoto again without saying a word? Don't you still want to let go of Yun Ziqiu? Don't forget what he did to you back then?"

During the recent period, Gu Xiangjin was busy looking for a doctor for Gu Simeng and never made time to contact Xia Yuandan.

I was surprised to see him suddenly on the streets of Kyoto today.

When I returned to Xiajia Village on New Year's Day in the summer, I said I would never come back to Kyoto again.

It's only been two months, why is he back?

Xia Yuandan lowered his eyes, not knowing what to say. If possible, he really doesn't want to come to Kyoto for the rest of his life, and he doesn't want to see Yun Ziqiu again.

Seeing that Xia Yuandan had something to hide, Gu Xiangjin said in a deep voice, "Did he force you to come back?"

Xia Yuandan glanced over his head: "Young Master Gu, please stop asking."

"Aren't we friends? Do you have anything to hide from me?"

Gu Xiangjin held Xia Yuandan's shoulders and straightened his body.

Such an intimate act made Xia Yuandan very uncomfortable. After all, they were just friends, and Gu Xiangjin also had a girlfriend, so they should keep a distance.

Xia Yuandan broke away from his hand: "Young Master Gu, this kind of behavior between friends is a bit too much. It would be really inappropriate if your girlfriend saw it. Our relationship is very innocent, so I'm afraid she will misunderstand."

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Xiangjin wondered: "I told you I don't have a girlfriend."

Xia Yuandan was confused: "I called you that day, and a girl answered the phone. She said you were taking a shower!"

"Who the hell framed me!" Gu Xiangjin grabbed Xia Yuandan's wrist: "When did it happen?"

Xia Yuandan remembers what happened that day very clearly. He couldn't find Gu Xiangjin and finally asked Yun Ziqiu.

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