Chapter 223 Xia Yuandan, don't do this to me

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With the help of the director and Cheng Yan, Xia Yuandan successfully escaped.

But instead of getting rid of Yun Ziqiu's relaxed mood, he had a solemn expression on his face.

The director changed his route back to the company midway, and Xia Yuandan got into Cheng Yan's car. He lowered his head without saying a word.

While waiting at the traffic light, Cheng Yan looked at him sideways: "Is that person your ex-boyfriend?"

Xia Yuandan did not deny: "Yes!"

Cheng Yan's eyes seemed to understand everything: "Is it because of him that you are hiding in Wencheng and dare not show your face?"

"I don't want to get entangled with him anymore. Cheng Yan, I might have to leave again."

Xia Yuandan looked guilty: "I will leave here when I find a chance. Don't contact me during this period of time. If he comes to you and you insist that we are just a cooperative relationship, he should not embarrass you."

"How long do you plan to hide here and there?" Cheng Yan looked ugly: "Why is he like a dog-skin plaster? It's so disgusting!"

"I can hide for a while, but I don't want to go back with him again."

Xia Yuandan made up his mind to get rid of Yun Ziqiu.

The Longqi Continent is so big, is there no place for him?

Yun Ziqiu was just on a whim, and after the excitement passed, he would not pester him again.

Xia Yuandan planned to go out and hide. Anyway, he was alone and his life would be the same wherever he lived.

Cheng Yan was angry: "We can't let him bully others like this. I'll find someone to deal with him and teach him a lesson."

Xia Yuandan advised: "Don't be impulsive! We can't afford to offend him."

Cheng Yan rolled his eyes: "Who is he?"

Xia Yuandan sighed: "His surname is Yun. He is from Kyoto."

Cheng Yan's eyes widened slightly: "Why did you mess with the Yun family?"

Xia Yuandan felt that there was a bad relationship between him and Yun Ziqiu.

People from two worlds should not be confused in the first place.

Cheng Yan is a very loyal person, and Xia Yuandan is afraid that he will offend Yun Ziqiu by standing up for him. He was repeatedly told not to act impulsively.

After the two separated, Xia Yuandan returned to the rental house.

As soon as he stepped onto the stairs, he noticed the man standing at the door.

After seeing Xia Yuandan, Yun Ziqiu's eyes burst out with a strong light, like a person on the verge of death seeing a savior.

He rushed over and wanted to touch Xia Yuandan's hand, but was frightened by his eyes and lowered the hand he just raised: "New Year's Day, you are back!"

Xia Yuandan didn't expect him to be so pestering. She stood one meter away from him and looked at him with a brow, her eyes full of vigilance: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Yun Ziqiu expressed her feelings eagerly: "Everything I said to you today is true. I really fell in love with you, very much! I can't lose you! During the time you left, I loved you every day. I'll wait for you in Xiajiacun. For you, I don't need to marry Gu Simeng, and I don't need to be the heir to the Yun family. I can do everything for you."

Ex-husband wants to remarry again(前夫又又又想复婚了) 2Where stories live. Discover now