Chapter 206 Let Xia Kangan be your son

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A quiet mountain village, where the sun rises and sets, the pace of life is very slow.

Gu Xiangjin lived in Xia Yuandan's house and hardly considered himself an outsider.

“New Year’s Day, what will our family have for lunch?”

Gu Xiangjin was sitting on the Taishi chair, his slender legs swaying gently on the table. He was holding a teacup in his hand and was drinking tea slowly.

Xia Yuandan was helpless against his rogueness. He weakly corrected him: "Young Master Gu, this is my home."

"Then what is your family having for lunch today?" Gu Xiangjin changed his words very wisely.

Xia Yuandan walked up to him and once again ordered him to be kicked out: "When will you return to Kyoto?"

Gu Xiangjin pointed at him and accused: "Not only did I promise you my life for saving my life, how dare you drive me away!"

Xia Yuandan really wanted to kick him out of the door.

Gu Xiangjin had been staying at his house for two weeks. When he asked him when he was leaving, he would make jokes. When the question was urgent, he would morally kidnap him with a life-saving favor, which made Xia Yuandan even have to rush him.

But he couldn't bear it anymore today: "You are here to affect my life and Kang An's."

"An extra person like me means an extra pair of chopsticks, and I don't have much to eat. Are you going to chase me away every day?"

Gu Xiangjin defended himself eloquently.

Xia Yuandan said solemnly: "Then how long will you stay?"

Gu Xiangjin frowned: "Xia Yuandan, where is your conscience? Did I treat you badly? Do you need to handle things so harshly? Even if we can't be a couple now, we can still be friends! Which friend do you see? Are you so young?"

Xia Yuandan said seriously: "I have no plans to start a family again, so you don't need to waste your time on me."

"You are so ruthless." Gu Xiangjin turned his face away and stopped looking at him. It was obvious that he was having a temper tantrum.

In the past few days, Xia Yuandan had been trying to persuade Gu Xiangjin to give up the idea of staying at his house, but to no avail.

"Gu Xiangjin, go back quickly! Don't you have nothing to do? Your company doesn't care?"

Xia Yuandan doesn't want Gu Xiangjin to come into his life. Now he and Xia Kang'an live in the village, and their life is dull but comfortable.

He didn't want to get involved in upper class society, and he didn't want to experience humiliation and hurt again.

"I have so many people under me. Do I just get paid and not work? Someone is helping me manage the company. You don't have to worry about this."

Gu Xiangjin joked: "Are you afraid that I can't support you?"

Xia Yuandan glanced at him: "You know I'm not interested in you."

Gu Xiangjin's rogue attitude came back: "As long as I'm interested in you."

"Gu Xiangjin!"

Xia Yuandan's angry voice and the phone's ringtone rang at the same time.

Gu Xiangjin picked up the phone and saw that it was his home phone number. He pressed the call button: "I'm on vacation..."

His voice changed suddenly: "What did you say? What happened to Simeng?"

"How could this happen?"

"How is Simeng doing now?"

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