Chapter 226 If Xia Yuandan doesn't want him, he will go crazy

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Gu Xiangjin didn't give Mrs. Yun any face at all, and immediately retorted: "Then please take care of Mrs. Yun Ziqiu and don't let him come out and embarrass himself."

Mrs. Yun was furious and said sternly: "Why are you talking? Is this how you, a junior, talk to your elders?"

"Old madam, I don't have time to quarrel with you. Since you are here, Yun Ziqiu will be left to you. It just so happens that Xia Yuandan and I don't want to care about him."

Gu Xiangjin was worried that there was no reason to take Xia Yuandan away. Xia Yuandan could leave the hospital with peace of mind when the Yun family came.

"You want to run away, it's not that easy. You must have united to try to kill Ziqiu. If Ziqiu has any shortcomings, I will never let you go."

Although Mrs. Yun was angry that Yun Ziqiu left the Yun family for Xia Yuandan, this was her grandson after all.

When she learned that her grandson was in trouble, she rushed over immediately.

She never thought that Yun Ziqiu was injured because of Xia Yuandan, the bad guy who would only kill Yun Ziqiu.

"Don't even think about walking out of the hospital today, Gu family boy. Seeing that Mr. Gu and I have some friendship, I advise you not to get involved in our Yun family's affairs."

Mrs. Yun's attitude was very clear. Xia Yuandan must pay the price today.

If he didn't show some cruelty, Xia Yuandan would still pester Yun Ziqiu endlessly.

Seeing that Mrs. Yun was trying to embarrass Xia Yuandan, Gu Xiangjin immediately said, "This is not okay. Xia Yuandan is mine. Of course I have to protect him."

Mrs. Yun looked unhappy: "Since Xia Yuandan is yours, don't let him seduce Ziqiu all the time. Ziqiu and Simeng are engaged, and Simeng is still your sister. As a brother, how can you Do you condone Xia Yuandan to do such a shameless thing?"

"Old madam, I don't like hearing what you are saying." Gu Xiangjin said with a long face: "Speaking of seduction, it was Yun Zi Qiutian who shamelessly seduced my New Year's Day. My New Year's Day ignored him and he still pestered me like a dog. Him. Didn't you see that he has been chased from Kyoto to Wencheng! When it comes to discipline, I have to take him away, Madam, and discipline him well, and don't let him out again to make him look embarrassed."

"You..." Mrs. Yun was furious. Just as she was about to scold her, the door behind her opened from the inside.

Xia Yuandan stood at the door and looked at Old Man Yun coldly: "Let me make it clear for once. It was not me who seduced Yun Ziqiu, but him who kept pestering me."

Mrs. Yun couldn't listen to his words at all: "You are just a broom star. Ziqiu's injuries are all because of you. If Ziqiu has any shortcomings, I will let you be buried with him."

Xia Yuandan pursed her lips and said nothing. Yun Ziqiu was indeed injured because of him.

Seeing that Xia Yuandan didn't speak, Mrs. Yun knew that he was acquiescing.

Remembering that Yun Ziqiu broke off the Gu family's marriage because of Xia Yuandan, and would rather leave the Yun family to be with him, and even risked her life for Xia Yuandan, Mrs. Yun felt that Xia Yuandan was a disaster.

She raised her crutch and struck it at Xia Yuandan, wanting to vent her anger.

No one expected that Mrs. Yun would do it as soon as she said it, and when she reacted, her cane would hit Xia Yuandan's head.

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