Chapter 205 Xia Kangan's life experience

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Gu Xiangjin's arrival surprised Xia Yuandan.

"Young Master Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Xiangjin put it in his pocket with one hand and looked at Xia Yuandan: "You are so surprised to see me? Or don't you welcome me?"

"It's not unwelcome, just a little unexpected."

Xia Yuandan opened the door, invited him in, and thanked Aunt Lin at the same time.

Aunt Lin laughed and turned to go home.

I haven’t seen him for almost a month, and Xia Yuandan is much healthier than before, and looks much stronger.

He was wearing a simple pullover, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing some of his forearms. The pants are casual style, very loose, and the curves of the legs are vaguely visible in the fabric.

Xia Yuandan is not the kind of seductive beauty, but she gives people a very sunny and comfortable feeling.

Gu Xiangjin's eyes gradually became hotter as he stared at him, making Xia Yuandan very uncomfortable.

He looked away, "Young Master Gu, you came to see me for something?"

Gu Xiangjin came back to his senses, withdrew his gaze from him, and began to look at the small yard in front of him.

"Of course I came to see you for something!"

Gu Xiangjin was not polite and walked to the small table in the yard and sat down: "Your yard is nice! Oh, there is also a honeysuckle tree! It grows very well and is lush and lush."

Xia Yuandan made a cup of tea and handed it to Gu Xiangjin: "Young Master Gu, what do you want from me?"

Gu Xiangjin pointed to the tea cup: "Buy tea!"

"I used to go to Chen En's place to drink tea, but that grandson has been unlucky recently. All the teahouses have been closed down, and his family's company is about to go bankrupt." Gu Xiangjin sneered: "It's your own fault that makes you miserable! People with evil intentions Sooner or later you will be punished by God."

Xia Yuandan was secretly surprised. She didn't expect that something would happen to Chen En.

Gu Xiangjin knew very well that Yun Ziqiu was responsible for what happened to Chen En. He was merciless and wanted to put the Chen family and Chen En to death.

As for the reason, Gu Xiangjin didn't find out. He vaguely felt it was because of Xia Yuandan.

But he would never say anything about it.

Being plotted by Chen En was Xia Yuandan's nightmare, and he didn't want to mention it again.

"Young Master Gu, the new tea hasn't arrived yet, it will probably take some time. But I have some stock at home."

Xia Yuandan took out the tea leaves from the freezer and took out the tea set to brew again.

Gu Xiangjin felt itchy in his heart when he saw him making tea seriously.

Buying tea is fake, but making excuses to see Xia YuanDian is real.

I thought that I became interested in him on a whim and would forget about him soon. But as time passed, Gu Xiangjin found that instead of forgetting Xia Yuandan, he wanted to see him more and more.

He found that he really fell in love with Xia Yuandan.

Gu Xiangjin found out where Xia Yuandan lived and came over.

Xia Yuandan placed the newly brewed tea in front of Gu Xiangjin: "Young Master Gu, how do you like it if you try it? If you are not very satisfied, I will send it to you after the new tea comes."

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