Chapter 218 You forced me to do this

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"Master Yun, Mr. Xia is missing!"

After hearing the servant's words clearly, Yun Ziqiu jumped up from his bed. He shouted quickly: "What's going on? Why is he missing?"

The servant said: "We came to deliver breakfast in the morning and found that the young master was the only one in the ward. I thought Mr. People answer.”

Yun Ziqiu said in a hurry while getting dressed: "Leave someone in the hospital to take care of Kang An, and send someone to the hospital to check the surveillance."

The servant said: "We have sent people to check and monitor Mr. Xia who left the hospital at midnight last night."

Left in the middle of the night!

Where are you going on Xia New Year's Day? What to do?

Did he sneak out of the hospital to find Gu Xiangjin?

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Ziqiu's eyes were about to burst.

Gu Xiangjin, why is it him again?

What's so good about this man? Can you compare to him?

Yun Ziqiu's chest couldn't help rising and falling, and he sternly shouted into his cell phone: "Look! Keep looking for him. I'll dig three feet into the ground to find him."

However, Xia Yuandan suddenly disappeared like someone else evaporating!

Yun Ziqiu was so furious that he almost overturned the entire Kyoto just to find this disobedient Omega.

Yun Ziqiu went to war, just like Ye Linghan back then.

Seeing that the wedding was about to happen, something like this had an impact on both the Yun family and the Gu family.

But Yun Ziqiu seemed to be possessed. He didn't believe that Xia Yuandan would leave suddenly. After all, Xia Kang'an was still in his hands. How could Xia Yuandan be willing to abandon his son and run away?

Leaving in the middle of the night that night, Xia Yuandan hid in the apartment arranged for him by Gu Xiangjin.

This is a very ordinary residential area on the outskirts of Kyoto, with many people and miscellaneous people. Yun Ziqiu couldn't find him for a moment.

The lawyer arranged by Gu Xiangjin has already filed a lawsuit, and the trial will be held soon. Xia Yuandan was waiting for a lawsuit with Yun Ziqiu to fight for Xia Kangan's custody rights.

On the day he received the court summons, Yun Ziqiu smashed everything in the office.

He stood in the ruins, his face gloomy and scary.

He held the summons tightly in his hand, so hard that veins popped up on the back of his hand.

Summer New Year's Day, you are really good!

In Yun Ziqiu's eyes, Xia Yuandan was extremely controlling and could easily hold him in the palm of his hand. But this man he usually despised took him to court with a complaint.

While Yun Ziqiu was angry, he was even more angry at the people behind Xia Yuandan who supported him.

How can ordinary people like Xia Yuandan afford that golden lawyer?

Gu Xiangjin, it’s him again!

Yun Ziqiu kicked the broken computer in the ruins. The computer hit the ground with a bang and broke into pieces.

"Lawyer Zhang, you will be solely responsible for handling the child custody case this time. No matter what means I use, I just want to win."

Yun Ziqiu hung up the phone, a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

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