ch 2 David pov

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I went straight into my cabin and sat in my chair. I ordered to let the people to come in for the interview. after a few seconds, a girl entered the cabin. when I checked her resume I was not impressed by that. By the way, she dressed up it looks like she is a hooker rather than a person who has to attend an interview .its clear that she came here to sleep with me which I was not interested in. After asking a few questions I told her to leave.

eventually, I was getting irritated at the thought of how nowadays girls are only interested in showing their bodies. I decided after I interviewed this one last person I would end it When the door opened I saw a girl in her mid-20s enter my cabin . Among all the people whom I interviewed she was the only one who dresses decently On a clear examination I realized that she was the one whom I met in the elevator. when I checked her resume it was quite impressive

"so Miss Harper tell me about yourself and why do u want this job " She looked kinda nervous but after a few seconds, she started answering.

"I work at a Cafe near my house as a part-time job but I was not much satisfied with it. I wanted to do something which I truly deserved to that is the reason I want this job ." she stuttered a little her answers while quite nice.

"but as per your resume, you don't have any experience ". so how do u expect me to give you the job "

"Mr Williams as it is my first time doing this I will work hard and try to educate myself more ". she said looking extremely confident and hardworking.

"okay, you are hired make sure u are punctual to work at sharp 9 Ask Miss Amelia about further details she will guide you "" After hearing that she stood up and was extremely happy about it and thanked me. She was about to leave when she turned towards me and said " Mr. Williams I am sorry for what happened in the lift this morning. I hope u forgive me for what I did ."

"well It depends on the way you do the work in here ." hearing this she was kinda shocked

"Sure sir I never knew u were this kind " Saying this she moved towards the door and left.


I was on cloud nine when I heard those words that you are hired. The moment I came out of the building I decided to call my dad and inform him about the job. I dialed the number and called my dad.

"Hey, Dad. I have a great news. I came for a job interview and I got it I am extremely happy now finally we can shift to a bigger apartment and clear all our debts ." hearing this my father was very happy.

"I am so proud of you Harper Let's celebrate this by going to a restaurant. I reached home as soon as possible ." and he ended the call.

I went straight to my house got fresher up and decided to wear a beautiful dress. I was getting ready when I suddenly heard a knock on the main door. I expected it would be my dad but to my shock, it was Liam. he is an employee of my father's bank we only meet once or twice during my father's gatherings and functions.

 he is an employee of my father's bank we only meet once or twice during my father's gatherings and functions

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"hey sweety, how are you? I missed you so much ." I felt my time had stopped completely. I never expected him to come and surprise me on a day like this.

"what are you doing here, Liam? I asked in a very angry tone thinking that he would leave.

"why are you getting angry now your father was the one who told me to take you on a date ask him if you want ." I was shocked when he asked how could my father do this to me I was very angry with him the next thing I took my phone and called my father.

He picked it in the first ring itself "Hey Harper did u get ready ."

"yes Dad but what is Liam doing here didn't you tell me that you and I would go to the restaurant". I was so furious I didn't even think twice before screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Yes dear but I got urgent work to deal with .i am very sorry. we can go some other time. I promise anyways Liam is a nice guy he will treat you well Enjoy" Before I could speak anything he hung up the call.

I was so mad but decided to go. I didn't want to waste my time sitting at home doing nothing when I got such a good job but Liam was the last guy on the planet I wanted to spend my time with. I decided to call Ava but she didn't lift s now I had no choice. I started to regret my decision as soon as I saw Liam. We were just friends and I didn't even like him. I knew I had to stay strong and not let his attitude bother me.

I finally came out of my room. Liam was sitting in the hall. He wore a black shirt .well to my surprise he was very handsome in that suit. we both literally looked like a couple but I just ignored the feeling . from the start Liam was a complete playboy he keeps change his girlfriend ever week . I just prayed to God that this would end as quick as possible . we both left my house and went to the restaurant .

 I was feeling a mix of emotions - excitement, nervousness, and fear - all at the same time

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 I was feeling a mix of emotions - excitement, nervousness, and fear - all at the same time. I had no idea what was going to happen that night, and I was scared of what Liam might do. But I was also excited to be going out with him, and I guess you could say I was feeling a little bit of everything. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter enjoy. 

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