ch 7 Harper pov

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I was not expecting to see it, and I was completely taken aback when I read it. The contract outlined every right and responsibility that each party had during the marriage as well as what would happen in the event of a divorce if the parties were to file for divorce. I was shocked and overwhelmed with emotion when I saw the contract. It was a reminder that even though marriage is a beautiful and joyous event, in my case it is completely different.

As David sternly demanded, "Read the contract carefully and sign it.". even though we had kissed I guess he is never going to give this marriage a chance.

"sign it so I can do my own business now."He said it with authority.

 Wait, I said. "You want me to sign this and that's it," she said as he signed the contract and handed me the pen.

"Well, what do you expect from me?" You want me to arrange a wedding hall and dress so that we can get married as a real couple?" he sarcastically asked.

I then snatched the pen from his grasp and gave him dirty looks. "With you, not even in my dreams." But seriously, every girl has a wedding dream. All I wanted was a dress to look at. It's not surprising that it's not happening. It's better if I do it with someone I truly love. I didn't let my expression change and show my disappointment.

 I took one last look before signing the paper. It had a marriage license. It contained all of the standard information found in a marriage contract. Other than holding hands in public, there should be no physical contact. We should just act like a happy couple outside and go about our business. I didn't want to waste any more of my time. I signed the document and tossed the pen on the table. He took the contract and filed it. He then reached into his pocket and handed me a red ring box, which I opened. There was a beautiful floral diamond ring. I ran my fingers through the ring. It must cost a fortune. it is a type of ring that every woman would die to have. 

I slid the ring onto my ring finger. It felt more like a jail than a lovely promise. Few arranged marriages begin without love and end in love. But I suppose it will never happen in my case. I felt a lump in my throat. When I stooped up, I noticed David, who had a  concerned expression. He seemed to see right through me. I didn't want to cry in his presence. I rushed into my room, locking the door behind me. Tears began to flow from my eyes the moment I shut the door. I leaned against the door and began to cry. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the tears. It was during these times that I yearned for my mom's presence. My mother was a moral support to me during my darkest days. She is always there to comfort me. I wished God had given us more time before taking her away from me. I was so engrossed in my sadness that I didn't realize I'd fallen asleep.


David pov

I felt terrible for not being able to fulfill her wish for a thorough wedding. Even if I was a cruel person, I would never prefer to destroy other people's dreams. I knew she was in the same boat as I was. I went into my office and locked the file in my drawer. After some thought, I decided to approach Harper. I couldn't figure out why I was feeling guilty. I've never felt this way before. I ignored the slew of thoughts racing through my head and went to work because I didn't have a modem to connect to the internet. My phone suddenly began to ring. It was Mr Richard, the well-known couple's photographer.

 Amid this chaos, I completely forgot about the couple's photoshoot. When I answered the phone, I heard an exciting voice on the other end.

"Good day, Mr. Williams. Sincere congratulations on your marriage. "I never expected you to be committed so quickly," he said sarcastically.

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