ch 17 David pov

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Harper had been injured. The fear of the unknown filled me as I frantically called the doctor, my heart pounding in my chest. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally answered and assured me that Harper was in stable condition and could be discharged soon. The wave of relief that washed over me was immense- I was so grateful to hear that my loved one was going to be okay.

I asked, Mira, to look after Harper until they were released and I could take them home. However, my anger and frustration remained as I realized that someone had deliberately harmed Harper. I was determined to find out who had done this and vowed to seek revenge for the pain and suffering that had been caused.

Sprinting back home, my head was buzzing with thoughts of retribution. Upon reaching the house, I quickly headed towards the security system and began to review the CCTV footage for any potential clues. I was prepared to do whatever was necessary to bring the perpetrator to justice.

As I reviewed the security footage from the previous night, a sense of dread washed over me. To my disbelief, all the CCTV footage had been destroyed, leaving behind a void of information. The realization that someone had deliberately tampered with the evidence sent shivers down my spine. Filled with frustration and a deep sense of betrayal, I called for a meeting with my bodyguards, the very individuals entrusted with my safety. In their presence, I made the difficult decision to terminate their employment, feeling that their negligent.

I was furious and I was determined to find the person who did this. I was determined to find out who was responsible for Harper's injuries. I was determined to find out who did this and make them pay. I was furious with all of the bodyguards because Harper was attacked in their presence, and whoever it was, I would not spare them. I demanded an explanation as to why the video was not saved. One of the bodyguards finally admitted that never saw anyone enter the house. I was even more furious now. I ordered the bodyguards to search the house for a clue. Nothing was found.

I then called Harper and informed her that the footage had been lost. I was furious and gave them a stern look. I told her that I would investigate the matter further and keep her updated. I then left the home, still fuming. I fired all of the bodyguards right away and immediately told my secretary to arrange new bodyguards and cameras all over the place even inside the houses. At this rate, I can't trust anyone.

I had to take precautions to make sure Harper was safe. I had to find someone who was reliable and trustworthy. I needed someone who could keep an eye on Harper at all times and protect her at all costs. I hired a bodyguard for Harper, who would stay with her at all times. I also made sure to keep her away from any potential threats. I made sure to always keep her in a safe environment. I also bought her a security system for her room and installed it. I also kept in constant communication with her Father to make sure they knew what was going on. Finally, I made sure to give her the emotional support she needed.

I even called Ava for emotional support for Harper I also arranged for her to attend counseling sessions to help her process her feelings. I took these steps because I wanted to ensure that Harper felt safe and loved. I wanted to make sure that she had access to the right resources and support to help her cope with her feelings, and I wanted to make sure that her father was in the loop on everything.

After some time, I arrived at the hospital and proceeded to Harper's ward. When I got to her room and opened the door, Mira wasn't seen anywhere while Harper was eating. Her look indicated that she did not enjoy the flavor of the food. She was wearing a grumpy expression and was pushing the food around on her plate. I sat down beside her and tried to start a conversation, but she just stared at the plate and didn't respond.

My mind started wandering and I thought about what I should do. Suddenly Emma returned, her eyes smiling. She said, 'Your wife is doing fine. She's still a bit weak, but she's in good spirits.' I was relieved to hear that, but I was also curious. I asked Emma what she meant by the check-up. She said, 'We need to be sure Harper is healthy before we can discharge her.' I nodded in understanding. 

She then took Harper to the next room for the checkup, and I stayed in the room waiting for them. Minutes turned into hours and I was beginning to get worried about Harper's wellbeing. I was anxious to hear what the doctor had to say about her condition. I started to imagine a lot of different scenarios, all of which weren't very good. I tried to distract myself by reading a magazine but my thoughts kept going back to Harper. I started to pace around, hoping that they would come back soon. I was getting more and more concerned as the time went on. I started to think of the worst case scenario and I was close to tears. I just wanted to know that Harper was alright.

As I tried to figure out what this meant and what I should do next. I felt a wave of panic wash over me as I realized that Harper might be in danger. I quickly left the hospital in search of her, hoping against hope that I wasn't too late. With a sense of urgency, I raced through the corridor my mind swirling with worry and fear. I had no idea where to look or who to turn to for help. All I knew was that I had to find Harper and make sure she was safe. My heart pounded as I searched for any clues that could lead me to her.

As I felt a growing sense of concern, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at the back of my mind. As I approached the main desk to inquire about Harper's check-ups, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation. However, what I was told next completely caught me off guard and sent shockwaves through my body. The receptionist informed me that there was no one named Emma in the hospital. My heart sank as I tried to process this unexpected news. Thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to figure out what this meant and what I should do next. I felt a wave of panic wash over me as I realized that Harper might be in danger. I quickly left the hospital in search of her, hoping against hope that I wasn't too late. With a sense of urgency, I raced through the streets, my mind swirling with worry and fear. 

My secretary called me unexpectedly. I immediately picked up the phone. His voice was panicked.

"Come on, spit it out right now..." I yelled, frustrated.

"sir we found out the person who is behind all this ." What he said next knocked me to the ground. 

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