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Harper pov 

After years of hard work, I finally fulfilled my thrilling dream of setting up a cafe of my own. I was ecstatic when I became the proud owner of the place, but my celebration was curtailed when suddenly my five-year-old son John ran to me, saying, 'Mama, we are getting late. Please come fast.' He was wearing his best suit and his dark hair and eyes reminded me of my husband David. Without any further delay, I lifted him with ease and walked towards the car, where David was already waiting. It was the beginning of a great future I had dreamt of, and I was ready to take it up. we headed towards the wedding hall.

When I got the invitation to my best friend Ava's wedding, I was both nervous and excited at the same time. Little did I know, the groom she was marrying was someone she had been in a relationship with for about a year. As I had been busy with my own life, I wasn't informed of her secret love until recently. But I was happy for her because I knew that she found her perfect match.

I reached the wedding hall with mixed feelings of happiness and anticipation. The hall was decorated with streamers, balloons, flowers, and lights which made it look like a romantic fairyland. There was also a lot of hustle and bustle, as everyone was busy preparing for the grand ceremony.

As I attended the ceremony, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight of my best friend dressed in a beautiful white gown, standing shyly beside her dapper groom. Everyone showered their blessings on them, while I looked on with a smile on my face, content knowing that my friend had found someone who made her happy.

When I looked towards the groom, I was surprised to see that it was none other than Mark. I had heard so much about him from David , so I was thrilled to actually be here to witness this special moment. David was busy talking to John, so I headed towards the couple. Mark looked so handsome in his suit, and his face lit up when he saw me walking towards them. His bride looked radiant in her dress, and I could tell how much they both adored each other. I gave them both a big hug and congratulated them on their big day. They were so happy and I was so glad to be a part of it. I wished them a long and happy marriage and congratulated them once more before they walked away, arm in arm.

The whole ceremony was nice and emotional, and hearing my best friend promise to stay with love and loyalty to Mark made me stop and realize how beautiful and fulfilling marriage is. And as Ava became Mrs. Ava Mark, I was filled with joy, knowing that my best friend now had a lifetime companion with whom she could share her life. 

Thank you guys for all the support till now . 

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