ch 4 David pov

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I was on the edge of murdering the guy who was with Harper. I had no idea why the hell I was feeling this way. It's not like I like her or anything. I haven't felt this way since Sophia left me. After that, I never believed in true love again. Since then, I've had the impression that women are only attracted to wealthy men for their money. The day Sophia left me was the last time I behaved normally. I conducted extensive research and assigned numerous detectives. After extensive research, I discovered shocking news that rendered me speechless. She was having an affair with my rival, Mr Oliver.

But when I saw Harper, I got a strange feeling in my heart. She was unlike any other woman I had met up to that point. She worked very hard. Despite her lack of experience, she was competent at her job. Usually, girls her age would flirt and look for opportunities to sleep with me, but she never showed any signs of doing so.

But I couldn't shake the feeling of seeing her with a guy. When she arrived at work the next day, I handed her a bundle of files to work on. I didn't want to be harsh with her, but I couldn't control my rage. For some reason, I immediately regretted ordering her. So I decided to apologize for my behavior. However, when I went to check on her cabin, she was not there. After that, I went to the cafeteria. She was sitting in a corner, looking at her phone.

I stood silently behind her, admiring her even though I had no intention of doing so. She abruptly stood up and collided with me. I was simply standing there, my coat stained. I was enraged at her. I've never seen a more clumsy girl in my life. She scanned me from head to toe. She then took a few tissues and began to wipe. However, the coat had already been ruined. I took off my coat and threw it in her face, but I never imagined that such an act would lead to us kissing. The feeling was different even though it was only a mere touch of lips. I couldn't stop myself from kissing the plum lips.

Harper took a step back before I could react. She hurried towards the exit. before I could request that she stop. I heard a voice behind me. "Your father has come to see you, Mr Williams." "He's waiting for you in your cabin," I replied with a nod and walked toward my cabin. When I walked in, I noticed my father was stressed. It was strange because he never came to visit me during my workplace hours." what the matter Dad you never come to visit me during my work hours is there a problem"

What my dad said next shook me to the core. His words had an immense impact on me, and I will never forget them.

David, I know you don't like getting married but you have no other choice. You need an heir to our company. Many people have started asking me about your marriage. You have no other choice other than to get married. "

"But dad you know that I love Sophia. But still, you want me to get married to some unknown person? "No, David, I want you to get married to the girl I have chosen. She is the perfect person for you and she is also from the same family. She understands business and she will support you.

"David I know that but you have no idea where Sophia is. It has been two years. I know it will be tough for you. But I can't risk my company's reputation because of you. I have already planned a date for you with her today night She is my best friend's daughter. She is not up to our level but she is a good girl She will be loyal so don't test my patience you will be married to her within two months " I said nothing to Dad. I knew that I couldn't change his mind and I had no choice but to obey him. I was filled with dread at the thought of being married to someone I didn't even know.

"Today at 8 pm you will meet her. Behave as best as you can and be happy. Make sure to dress nicely and be on time. Talk about something interesting and make sure to be polite." After saying this he left my cabin. I felt a mix of emotions as I watched him go. I was frustrated and anxious all at the same time. I knew I had to make a good first impression, and I wanted to make sure I did everything right, or else I would see the worst of my father.

 I knew I had to make a good first impression, and I wanted to make sure I did everything right, or else I would see the worst of my father

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I arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was breathtaking. I was waiting for the girl I was going to marry in two months. I was curious as to what kind of girl she was because she had impressed my father. I was convinced that she was a gold digger. I was dressed in a black suit and wore a Titan watch.

 I was dressed in a black suit and wore a Titan watch

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It's been almost 5 minutes since I arrived here. My father gave me the girl's phone number, and I attempted to contact her. When her phone rang, she picked it up in one ring. On the other end, I heard a soft hello. I'd say she's decent based on her voice. For some unknown reason her voice looked familiar t me. When I asked her how I should recognize her, she said she was wearing a pink dress. She stated that she would be there in 5 minutes. I hung up the phone. I told myself that if she didn't show up within the time limit, I would leave. I simply dislike people who are not punctual.

I was checking my phone when a girl approached my table and said, "Mr

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I was checking my phone when a girl approached my table and said, "Mr. Williams." in a surprising tone. I was surprised to see Harper when I looked up. She was dressed in a lovely pink dress. She sat in front of me and settled in, but the expression on her face answered most of my questions.

Before I could ask her anything, the waiter interrupted. After witnessing all of the strange events, I was in no mood to eat. First, it was the marriage, and now it's Harper. I had no appetite after what had happened. I told the waiter to come back later. He walked away with a strange expression on his face. When I looked at Harper, she seemed as surprised as I was. before things deteriorate. I got right to the point.

"Look Miss Harper." I have no plans for this marriage. I'm only doing this for my father's sake. We can divorce in a few months and you can live your life while I live mine." I got up and walked away before she could say anything. Even though I knew it was impolite to convince it in this manner, but I had no other choice.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please forgive me if it wasn't good.

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