ch 13 David pov

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I got a searing sensation in my heart after witnessing Harper and Mark smiling. I was jealous noticing Harper laughing with another man, even though he was my friend. She'd never laughed like that in front of me before. I instantly felt a rush of emotions, and my heart began to race. I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart with an invisible knife. I just wanted to stay away and pretend like I didn't see anything.

For some reason, I only wanted Harper to express her emotions to me. I felt a deep sense of hurt as I watched them enjoying each other's company. I knew I should feel happy that they were getting along well, but I couldn't help but feel jealous. I wanted to have that kind of connection with Harper. I was able to keep my cool when she said she was going to train with him. Even though Mark is not the type of person who would flirt with strange girls, I couldn't believe him. But I didn't have a choice because Harper was very interested in the training and I didn't want to ruin it for her.

I went to bed with a strange feeling. I could doze off for hours. So I went to the balcony to get some fresh air. I opened my door and walked to the balcony. I got to the balcony and stood there admiring the vista. I felt a sense of peace and serenity. I noticed the stars twinkling in the sky and the moon shining brightly. I took a deep breath and felt a sense of clarity. I felt good for some reason.

When I turned around to depart after a while, I noticed someone putting something in the gate. I paused, curious and intrigued. When the person noticed me, they quickly put the item back in their pocket and walked away. I wondered what the item was and why they had put it there. From a distance, it appeared to be a parcel. I decided to look into it. I went to the front door and flung it open. I took the parcel, which was wrapped in a violet cover. I went to my office, and when I opened the parcel, it shocked me to the core.

It had photos of me and Harper. The horrifying thing was that the entire set of images had been scratched with a crimson marker as if someone was attempting to kill us. Then I instantly remembered the strange message I had received on my phone. I immediately contacted my secretary and asked him to investigate the message. I decided to check the CCTV camera for the perpetrator. However, it was useless because the person was wearing a hoodie and a mask to conceal their face. My primary adversary was my opponent Oliver. I just went to check on Harper and decided to hide the package in my room. I spotted her sleeping like a baby when I opened the door. I was relieved. 

I went to my room after softly closing her door. After some while, I fell asleep. I awoke in the middle of the night from a terrifying scream. I instantly jumped out of bed and dashed downstairs. For some reason, I suspected Harper was in trouble. I was filled with hatred and wanted to bury the individual alive for the deed. When I got to the hall, I noticed Mira standing in the doorway. When I ran up to her, I saw a lily filled with blood. and it was stored in a box. It took my breath away. I sent Mira inside to check on Harper. I then brought the box to my room.

Then I found a note inside. I opened the box and took the letter, which I began to read.

"How are you, David?" I never expected you to marry so quickly. I feel deeply betrayed. I will never forgive you. "You will pay for everything you did."

The first thing that came to me when I read it was Sophia. But it's been years since I've even spoken to her. There was no way it could be her because she was the one who had deceived me. I was deep in thought when Mira entered the room, she added, that Harper was in the restroom. I told her not to tell Harper anything regarding the incident.

I told Mira to go to her room. The rest of the night I couldn't sleep. I took a shower and dressed in the morning before heading to work. To my surprise, I hadn't seen Harper by the time I got to the hall. I inquired of Mira as to the whereabouts of Harper. She stated that she went out this morning at this hour.

I headed to my workplace without much thought. My security man greeted me warmly. I entered the lift and pressed the 17th floor. Following that, I returned to my work.

I noticed individuals giving me strange stares and conversing with others. When I gave them angry stares, they all went back to work.

I went into my cabin just as my secretary came in. He appeared to be carrying bad news.

"So did you find anything from the message?" I inquired, my voice firm.

"No, sir, it was from multiple locations so we are still looking into it," he said with disappointment.

After that, I went back to work. I had a mountain of work in front of me. It was already late by the time I finished my task. I decided to go home because I was exhausted. I proceeded to the lift and selected the first floor. When I got to the first floor. I overheard a chat between two young ladies.

"You know Mr Williams's secretary Harper is a gold digger." It hasn't even been a month since she started working. "Imagine she seduced him and married him for money."

At first, it was hard to believe that Mr Williams' young and attractive secretary Harper was a gold digger. After all, she had only been with the company for less than a month. However, it wasn't long before rumors began circulating that she had seduced the much older Williams specifically to gain access to his money and status. Although these rumors were never confirmed, it quickly became apparent that Harper and Williams had become very close in a short amount of time. 

At the end of the month, Harper and I announced that they were engaged and many people were convinced that Harper had been a gold digger all along. This quickly led to her getting the nickname of "the heartless gold digger." However, the true reason for our relationship was never officially revealed, leaving those who knew the couple with only speculation as to the reason they married in the first place.

When I heard that, my blood began to boil. They hadn't noticed me before then. I instantly went towards them. They turned pale the moment they saw me.

My outburst had been unexpected and sudden. I hadn't even given the women  a chance to explain before I yelled at the top of my lungs .

" How dare you speak about Harper like that . I was the one who fell in love with her . Don't dare bitch about her ever again". 

I Immediately fired them . Everyone in the room was stunned with shock as they watched me retreat out of the office. The security guard had already opened my car for me, and I rushed in and immediately drove off. The thought of someone talking negatively about Harper had infuriated me beyond reason and I wanted to get away from any reminder of the incident. This episode was an eye-opener for all those present and I was certain they wouldn't be bold enough to criticize Harper's work again. Before I knew it, I had reached my home. Mira was in the kitchen making dinner. I changed my clothes and went into my room to freshen up, but eventually I decided to lay down for a while and take a nap.

After some while, I heard a knock on the door. Mira was there when I got up and opened the door. She called to tell me that dinner was ready. I stepped into the hall and saw Harper munching the food. For some reason, she appeared happy. Mira served me the dinner as I sat alongside her.

" Is there any good news?" Harper "You appear to be very happy, and where have you been all day?" While fiddling with the meal, I inquired.

" Yes, I went to Mark's cafe for training. That is why I am very happy ." Harper said while finishing her food. 

Yes, I went to Mark's cafe for training and it was an unforgettable experience. It was a great opportunity to learn something  and I was really excited about it. The atmosphere in the cafe was really amazing and very welcoming. The Mark was friendly and accommodating and the food was really delicious. During the training, I learned different ways to make coffee, the different types of milk to use, and the importance of maintaining the quality of the coffee. After the training, I felt more competent and confident in order to make the best coffee for my customers.

 Harper was also pleasantly surprised with the general experience at the cafe and couldn't stop talking about her positive experience while she was finishing her food. All in all, it was a great opportunity that allowed me to grow professionally and I appreciated it .

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