ch 10 David pov

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Hey guys this is the new chapter . Hope you like it . 

As soon as I received her resignation letter, I felt bad about how I handled our conversation. I should have taken the time to listen to her concerns and explain the situation more clearly. I should have taken into consideration her feelings and taken a more understanding approach. I felt guilty and regretful for my behavior and for not being more understanding. I knew that it was too late to make things right, but I still wished that I had done things differently.

As I was expecting, she did not pick up my call when I called her, so I decided to call her friend Ava.

"Hello, I am David speaking with you. Could you tell me where Harper is," I said in a stern voice.

"Woah, the mighty arrogant David called me. "I feel very special," Ava responded mockingly.

"Ava stop beating around the bush and tell me where is Harper." My outrage was evident in my tone.

"She went to her father's place anyway why do you care about it."

"Because I am her husband." My tone became more frustrated.

"Oh really, you shouldn't be calling yourself one because you always hurt her and don't even care about her feelings.".

Even though I was about to kill her, what she said made me feel horrible. I've been disrespectful to her since the first time I met her. 

"What makes you think that I don't care about her feelings?"

" Please don't behave as if you don't know. You planned an entire Thanksgiving getaway. even though you know Harper has no interest in it. Do you even care about how others feel? Spending time with her father is more important to her than meeting new people. It's no surprise that people call you a jerk." claiming that she hung up the phone. I had no idea that something so minor could turn into such a major deal. I decided to make things right for good. 

I immediately dialed Mark's number.

"Hello bro, what a surprise you never call me during this time of the day any bad news."

"well not exactly but is it possible for you to come to my house for Thanksgiving." I knew if I told him the real reason, he'd tease me to death and ruin my life, so I had no choice but to make up a lie. "I'm not feeling well right now, so I don't think traveling would be good for my health." So I prepared a little gathering in my own home." I expected him to bombard me with questions. However, to my amazement, he agreed to it. 

I got my car keys and drove over to her place.As it was my first time meeting her in the presence of her father, I was a little nervous, but I wanted to make sure I showed her that I cared. I also wanted to show her that I was thinking of her and her father. I decided to purchase a pie. I don't want to come out as a jerk.

I came to a halt in a small lane near her house. I got out of the car and made my way to the staircase. I knocked on her door as I got closer to it. When she opened it and our eyes met, I couldn't comprehend how I could hurt someone like her. I felt a sense of guilt and shame as I looked into her eyes. I felt a strange feeling in my heart Even though I only met her this morning, I could feel how her presence affected me. I shook off the feeling and went into her house. I passed the pie to her father, who began devouring it. I could see how surprised she was by my actions, but for some reason, I liked it. I was curious how she would react if I told her about the Thanksgiving celebration.

Before that, I decided to have some fun with her. I could see her blush as I drew her closer to me and kissed her. The kiss was gentle and warm, and I could feel the sparks of electricity between us. I had never felt this way before and soon, I was lost in the moment. All my worries and fears vanished as I held her close. She began to wiggle around like a worm in an attempt to free herself from my clutches, but as expected she was frail. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw her reaction. When her father inquired about our Thanksgiving plans, I invited him to my home. He was overjoyed about it. Harper, on the other hand, appeared befuddled.

I bid my goodbyes to her father before she could ask any questions. I suppose she took it as a hint and followed me. I expected her to be interested in the change in plans, but she sat quietly for a few minutes. I assumed she was taking her time processing all of the news. I decided to initiate the conversation.

"I am sorry," I whispered, expecting her to respond, but she just sat silently beside me. "I should not have talked to you like that in the morning. It was my fault; I should have asked you about it." I continued to wait for an answer from her but there was only silence. " I understand you're upset with me. That's why I changed my plans. You can now celebrate with your father how you like."

" I apologize as well. I should have communicated it better. "I think I reacted way too strongly to that."

I never imagined she was going to apologize. Now that things were better between us, I was finally relieved.

"So can I take it as an answer that you would be coming back to work from tomorrow?" I inquired, slightly hesitantly. I assumed she would say yes.

"Regarding that, I don't think it would be good now, as I am your official wife there will be a lot of gossip in the office I just can't deal with all of that," she stated

I felt horrible that she wouldn't attend, but for some reason, I thought what she said was correct because it would be difficult for her to deal with. I chose not to push her. I felt like it was enough for her to say that she couldn't make it. I didn't want her to feel like I was pressuring her to do something she didn't want to. In the end, I decided to respect her decision and not force her to attend.

"so do you have any plans for the job" I said,

"Yes for now I decided to work in the cafe I used to. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do next. I'm open to new opportunities but I want to make sure I find something that I'm passionate about. I have time to figure it out."

We stayed silent after our little talk. She was just staring out the window. Harper had fallen asleep by the time we arrived at the house. I decided to wake her up, but she was fast asleep. I couldn't help but feel a romantic connection between us. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her upstairs to her bedroom. I tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead as she started to stir in her sleep. I watched her for a few moments, mesmerized by the peacefulness of her face, before I quietly slipped out of the room and closed the door behind me. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't want to wake her up. So I just kissed her forehead instead and smiled.

I softly closed her door and entered my room. I had been exhausted all day. I went straight to the bathroom because the hot shower was so calming. I came out and changed into my night clothes, and as I lay down to sleep, I noticed a notification on my phone. When I opened it, I discovered a bizarre message from an unknown source.

I was so exhausted and didn't want to look into it any further. So I simply put the phone on silent and went back to sleep. 

Hey guys hope you like this chapter .

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