ch 16 Harper pov

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After a satisfying meal, I returned to my room to freshen myself. I then got ready and decided to go to the cafe. As I was about to leave the house, I suddenly remembered that I needed to bring some water with me so that if I became thirsty on the way, I could drink it. I walked into the kitchen, pulled an empty water bottle from the cupboard, and filled it with water.

I overheard Mira's chat as I was leaving. She was on the phone with someone. She appeared to be extremely worried. I assumed she was whining about her health.

"I'm terrified right now. I was on the edge of passing out after witnessing the box packed with blood flowers. Even Mr. Williams was taken aback by the incident. I'm curious who sent him those. It's not the first time he's received threats, but they've never been so serious. I'm also concerned about Miss Harper. She, too, received threatening text messages on her phone yesterday. It's unsettling to think that someone would do this to two innocent people. It's also worrying that they have access to our contact information and know what we're doing. I'm worried what will happen next. Will they come after us again? Will they target someone else? I'm afraid of the unknown and what might come next. It's a terrifying situation and I don't know how to handle it. All I can do is be vigilant and stay alert. Hopefully, we can find out who is behind these threats and put a stop to them before anything worse happens." saying that she cut the call.

I was about to pass out when I overheard the conversation. I was perplexed as to why David had not informed me of anything. That's when I remembered Mira unexpectedly being in my room late at night to check on me. The entire security system of the house was changed. When I first arrived, there were only around 5 bodyguards, but there were now nearly 10 encircling the house. and how his secretary showed up at his house this early morning. All of the strange occurrences made sense to me now. I was on the edge of tears. How can these folks keep such important information from me? I decided to confront David right away. I quickly put my handbag on the table and headed upstairs.

I didn't even bother knocking on the door. David sat in his chair, looking at a file. as the secretary was typing something on the iPad. I went ahead and smacked my hand on the table, causing a loud noise that drew David's attention to me.

What the hell is going on in this house? I screamed at the top of my lungs, feeling my heart racing in my chest. All around me, the walls seemed to be closing in, pressing against me until I felt like I was suffocating. I had been living in this house for months now, but I had never felt so scared and confused. Nothing about the house seemed right. Mira, the housekeeper, had been acting strange lately. She was always muttering to herself and jumping at the slightest sound.  I knew something was seriously wrong and I had to figure out what it was.

"What are you talking about Harper ." David rose from his chair and approached me.

"don't act smart David what the hell is happening here and why didn't you tell me about the box filled with blood flowers ."

'Who told you about that?' David's voice was stern and full of anger. Mira could feel the intensity of his stare, but she refused to look up. She knew that he was furious with her .  she was scared of how he would react. She tried to think of something to say, but the words wouldn't come. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she remained silent.

David stepped closer to Mira, his face inches away from hers. He was waiting for an answer, but Mira still couldn't find the words. She could feel his anger radiating from him, and it was almost suffocating. She felt like she was going to break under the pressure, but she somehow managed to stay still and keep her composure.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mira finally mustered up enough courage to speak. I don't know anything Mr. Williams ,' she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. She could feel David's gaze piercing through her as he waited for her to continue.

"that's not important David why didn't you tell me about it ." Before he could  throw daggers at Mira I interrupted him , David made eye contact with his secretary and motioned for him to exit the room. He then forced me to sit in a chair.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner; I didn't want to worry you. I know it's a lot to take in, but please don't be scared. Nothing bad will happen, I promise. I will be here for you and protect you at all cost". As he said this, he put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes with a reassuring expression. His words calmed me down and I felt more secure knowing that he was here with me and had my best interests in mind. I'm so thankful that I have someone like him in my life. No matter what happens, I know that I can count on him to be there for me.

I felt a little more at ease. "Anyway, did you find anything about the person who is doing this?" I inquired, stuttering.

"don't worry I will find whoever it is as soon as possible". He then fiercely held me. In his embrace, I felt completely safe.

" Harper, please stay in the home today. Going out at this rate is not safe." I could see the stress in his face, he said. For my protection, I opted to stay at home. I nodded and walked downstairs. I removed my phone from my handbag. I informed Mark that I would be unable to come to the cafe today. I turned off my phone and went to my room to relax. David quickly went with his secretary for some meetings outside. Mira was busy cleaning the house. After a few hours of deep sleep, I awoke.

When I woke up it was already night . I was surprised of how long did I doze of . I then got out of the bed and headed towards the restroom. I opened the door and grabbed the facewash off the rack, ready to freshen up my face. As I wiped the facewash on my face, I heard a loud sound from the door, making me think it was Mira. Before I could open my eyes to see who it was, I suddenly felt a sharp, hot pain in my stomach. I screamed in agony as I fell to the ground. When I opened my eyes, I saw a pool of blood on the floor. I started to panic, only to be hit in the head with a heavy object, rendering me unconscious.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a ward with a saline needle in my hand, and David was sitting beside me with a troubled expression on his face. I felt an immense amount of pain and couldn't move much. David immediately noticed that I was awake and tightly held my hand. It was comforting to know that he was there with me in this difficult moment. He had tears in his eyes, and I could tell that he was trying to be strong for me .  But at the same time, I also felt grateful to have David by my side.

"Oh God, you're awake at last. " He kissed my hand as tears streamed down his cheeks. His clothing was crumbed all over. For a split second, I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

" David, tell me what happened. "How did I get here?" With a troubled tone, I asked David. Mira entered the room, holding a plate of food. When she saw me, she dropped the meal and ran to me. She appeared to be concerned.

"When I entered the house, I noticed that all of the lights had gone out. It was completely dark. I immediately went and on the lights. I instantly called Mira, but she was unconscious on the floor. I then sprinkled her face with water. She then awoke and indicated your room. I hurried to your room and found you stabbed in your stomach, blood all around. "I rushed you to the hospital right away." I was stunned after hearing everything. For a few minutes, I couldn't open my mouth. I turned towards Mira, who was crying. She then put her hand on my shoulders and assured me that everything would be alright.

"I am fine now don't worry you guys ." With a stutter, I said. I could easily see how shaken I was. 

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