ch 5 Harper pov

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I received a phone call from my father around noon. even though It's a little surprising. He informed me that you have a date tonight. I never understood why my father liked to marry me off to random men. I was completely uninterested in the date. But my father insisted that I go see him. But when I saw Mr Williams, I was taken aback. Even if he were the last man on the planet, I would never choose him as a partner. I never expected him to dress up for someone like me.

He looked stunning in the back suite. I was no match for his status. I went over to his table quietly. I assumed we'd have a pleasant conversation at first. His expressions made it clear that he didn't like me. It's not like I liked him; he's such a jerk. He kissed me in the cafeteria and pretended nothing had happened. Even if the kiss was entirely unintentional, he should have said something. But then I decided to bring up that subject. before I even got started. He began to say things that I had not expected to hear, at least not in those circumstances.

He was incredibly disrespectful, openly admitting that he was only in this marriage for my father's sake and not invested in it. I didn't anticipate anyone could be as cold as him.. no wonder people call him a cold arrogant person. It was highly insulting to me after he departed. I've just left and I'm on my way home. I was furious and couldn't bring myself to eat. I felt extremely angry towards my father. I'm shocked by the unexpected direction my life has taken. Despite my frustration, I eventually managed to fall asleep after hours. My mind was consumed with thoughts of what my life would be like after everything settled.

I'm thinking about my ostensibly wonderful life. I barely had time to eat my breakfast. I got to the company as soon as possible. I wished the receptionist a good morning and proceeded to my cabin. I knocked on the door of my future husband's cabin. I heard a firm enter.

"You are 5 minutes late, Miss Harper." "Could you please tell me why?" I was so enraged at him that I didn't think twice about speaking up.

"I was tired from sleeping late. Mr Williams, do you know why I couldn't sleep? Everything is because of you. I was thinking about my life as an arrogant and hell-bent individual. A complete jerk who kisses public places and acts inappropriately. "

I had no idea I dared to say such things to him. I expected him to be enraged. But he simply stood up and moved towards me. I started walking towards the door, expecting him to do something, but he stopped me before I could even take one step. He grabbed me by the waist and pinned me to the wall.

"Look at Miss Harper." I have no intention of having any relationship with you, and the kiss was an accident. So, unless you want it, please don't imagine romantic things from my side." When I heard this, I kicked him as hard as I could.

"How can anyone be like you, seriously?" "Aside from your handsome face, you have nothing good." He smirked when he heard that, "so you think I'm handsome," he said with a shudder. I guess my kick had some sort of effect on him.

After that, I proceeded to my cabin and shut the door with great force, resulting in a loud noise. After that, I was preoccupied with my work. I checked his schedule and saw that we had an important meeting with a client at 5. I went to his cabin to tell him about the meeting. I expected him to do something to irritate me. But, to my surprise, he simply asked me to prepare files for the meeting.

He asked me to bring him coffee with no sugar. I wanted to exact revenge on him for everything he had done to me. I used two spoons of salt instead of sugar. The meeting had already begun by the time I arrived at his cabin. I knocked on the door, set the coffee on the table, and stood next to him. He took a sip of his coffee. I expected him to scream or at the very least mock the coffee after tasting it, but to my surprise, he remained calm. I suppose it was due to the clients. He then turned to face me. but I gave the least attention. He deserved it anyway. I'm going to ruin his life because of how he treated me.

The meeting lasted longer than I had anticipated. This transaction was critical to the company's success. As a result, Mr Williams worked hard to make a good impression. At the end of an hour, the meeting was completed, and we got a good deal. It was my first time seeing Mr Williams smile. He appeared to be in a good mood. He shook the client's hand and led him to the door. Even I moved towards the door, but because Mr Williams was in front of me, he took advantage of the situation and closed and locked the door. I was shocked and frozen. He then turned to face me, his face expressionless was unreadable.

Suddenly, my stomach started making sounds due to hunger. and I felt embarrassed as he started looking at me. I quickly tried to cover it up by pretending to be looking through files, but the noise was still quite audible. He finally understood what was going on and laughed. He asked me why I hadn't eaten yet. I tried to explain that I had lost track of time, but he just smiled and said "Let's go and have lunch together." He offered to buy me lunch. I smiled back and thanked him. We soon left the office, and we both enjoyed a delicious lunch. We chatted and laughed until lunchtime was over. I was relieved that he wasn't mad at me, but I was also a bit surprised by the kindness he showed me. I had been worried that he would try to bring up the marriage topic. But he showed me nothing but respect and kindness, which I was incredibly grateful for. I never expected I would see this side of him

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