ch 14 Harper pov

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Hey guys hope you like my chapter. Thank you for all the readers . 

I was awakened by the alarm clock. It took some time for me to wake up from my sleep. I got up, went straight to the restroom, freshened up, put on a blue frock, and watch, and walked towards the floor. Mira appeared nervous for some reason. 

"Hey Mira, good morning," I exclaimed excitedly

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"Hey Mira, good morning," I exclaimed excitedly.

"Good morning," Mira stutteringly said. She appeared a little pale.

" Hey, are you okay? You don't look good," I asked, concerned. 

" Yeah , I am fine just a headache ." She didn't say much, though. I was already late when I checked the watch in my hand. I went to the door without even eating my breakfast and waved goodbye to Mira. I called a cab and proceeded to Rise and Shine cafe.

When I arrived, the location was stunning. I handed the money to the driver and proceeded to the cafe. I unlocked the cafe's main door when I noticed there were already a few customers. I made my way to the main area where all orders were taken. Mark was wearing a black apron and was busy brewing coffee. I walked ahead and stood in front of him, hoping he'd see me, but he was too preoccupied with his coffee. I made a noticeable noise to draw his attention to me. He was overjoyed when he saw me.

" Hey, Harper, what a surprise," he exclaimed.

"yeah, I just came from my training," I said

" Oh, sure, first. Please be seated ." he then handed me a sandwich and said it was free.

I immediately took the sandwich and headed towards the empty seat.

After a while, when all of the customers had left. He walked over to my seat and sat in front of me.

"I guess you're excited for training," he replied, rubbing his hands.

" Yeah, very much," I responded as I ate the sandwich.

" Okay, so we'll see how capable you are first. Why don't you try making some bakery items? We'll try to sell them and then ask for feedback." I nodded in response to his idea. I washed my hands after finishing the sandwich, and Mark led me to the kitchen and handed me the ingredients. I then took an apron that was hanging on the wall. I placed a rubber band around my hair and attempted to put on the apron.

Then, all of a sudden, I felt hands caressing the apron's stands and tying it. It was, to my amazement, Mark. I thanked him for his assistance and began cooking. He then urged me to call him if I needed any assistance. I chose to bake cupcakes. I whisked 100g softened butter and 100g golden caster sugar together with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy, then whisked in 2 large eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition. I then whisked in half a teaspoon of vanilla essence, 100g flour, and a pinch of salt till just mixed, then spooned the batter into cupcake cases. then I Baked for 15 minutes or until golden brown color.

After 15 minutes, I heard a clicking sound coming from the oven. When I got to the oven, I opened it and took out the tray of cupcakes. Then I tried a cupcake. To my surprise, it turned out extremely well. I then informed Mark that I had completed it. He then entered the kitchen, took a cupcake, and took a small bite from it. I was nervous because it was the first time I asked someone for food reviews.

" These are incredible. "I must say, you're talented," he said as he ate the cupcake.

" Thanks." I was pleased with the feedback. He then set the cupcakes on the glass display counter. I was quite curious to find out if folks loved my cupcake. but, to my astonishment, the majority of the customers loved it.

After a while, all of the cupcakes had been sold. It made me delighted. Mark was preoccupied with his customers. When I checked the clock, it was late in the afternoon. I approached Mark and asked him, "When will he be eating his lunch?" He replied he wasn't hungry and urged me to eat, and then Mark was preoccupied with his customers. I then decided to help him as I wasn't that hungry as well. After a few hours, it was late afternoon. I was astounded by how quickly time had passed. Then I heard grubbling noises coming from my stomach. I decided to have lunch. I informed Mark and then exited the cafe. I was in no mood to eat a full lunch, so I went to a tranquil place.

I went with a burger and fries. I then went to a drive-in restaurant and ordered. I received the order within 10 minutes and then chose to go to a nearby garden. Gardens provide me with a sense of calm. I sat on a bench and began to eat the burger while admiring the scenery. After eating my meal, I decided to check my phone, which was set to silent because I didn't want any interruptions. When I turned off the silent mode, my phone began to vibrate with alerts. Surprisingly, it was from an unknown number. When I opened the messages, they were all threatening. I decided to talk about it with David when I got home. I then received a message from Mark.

I was completely worn out when I left the cafe  and all I wanted to do was rest. But, Mark  had asked me to come back the next morning, so I put my tiredness  and decided to go to Ava's house instead. When I reached her place, I knocked on her door and she opened it in an instant. Without much ado, she hugged me tightly and pulled me into her house. She could clearly see the distress in my face . 

She tried to change the topic and asked me how my  job was going. "Oh, it's going great," I replied with a bright smile. "Mark  is very understanding and I'm able to manage my time effectively. Furthermore, I've been able to make many new friends. I'm really enjoying it." My mood lightened up after telling her the  story. We talked for a while before she asked me about how I was doing. I told her about my day-to-day activities, including my job and the different people I encountered during thanksgiving . We had a great conversation and I was thankful for her presence. At the end of the day, I was feeling much better. It was comforting to know that she was there to listen. 

We talked for a while about my day, from the Thanksgiving dinner I attended to the training session I had in Marks cafe. Ava was delighted to hear about all my experiences and we decided to watch some television. That's how I spent the rest of my evening, in Ava's warm embrace and in front of the TV.

It was already late by the time we finished, and I said my goodbyes and made my way to the door. I knew I had to get home, so I called a cab. When I arrived at the table, Mira noticed me and offered me a meal. I accepted and went over to the table and sat down. David then walked over and sat next to me as I was eating. He asked me where I had been that morning,  I told him about me going to the cafe and  the training from Mark and when he heard Mark's name his fist instantly tightened. That reminded me of the threatening messages I had received on my phone. I didn't know what to tell David about the texts, and then I received another text message on my phone.

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