ch 8 David/Harper

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"let's go to the restaurant "We walked to the nearby restaurant after she nodded. As we walked, we passed by several shops. She stopped here and there to look at something. When we arrived at the restaurant.

What are you doing? She asked me, but I completely ignored her. I didn't have the guys to see her face after what all happened. I took 30 bucks from my wallet and ordered "one coffee and one expresso. Have the change. Thank you, Seth."

Breakfast was the only option for us to immediately distract ourselves from the photographic disaster.

I turned around to see her staring at Seth with her eyes wide open. I'm surprised she dared to flirt with a guy while her spouse was standing just by her. 

"Hey, that's my buddy. Stop checking him out," she said. "I was not ogling," she stated flatly. Seth, on the other hand, had a smirk at his corner mouth. 

"Let's sit. Are you done flirting? "We took a seat near the window. 

"Do you come here often?" She inquired as I placed my wallet into my pocket and glanced out the window.

"Yes, I tried all the other restaurants nearby, but none were as good as Seth's." As I began to come more frequently, we became good friends."

"I'm shocked that rich people like you like restaurants like this. "

"Well, I go for quality not quantity," I said, handing her a cup of coffee and a tissue and taking a sip from mine. 

"Oh god, for once we agreed." We should look at the weather. I'm guessing it'll rain a lot today." she said in a mocking tone.

"I let out a small chuckle from my mouth before covering it with my hand.

"I know this really cool restaurant nearby that I love. We should totally go check it out sometime."

She spoke hesitantly. As if she wasn't sure whether to tell me or not. "Unfortunately, the restaurant closed." "I  missed the food there." Curiosity got me better." Why was the restaurant closed "?

"It was because the owner got sick and there was no one to take care of the restaurant, so they closed it," they explained, clearly disappointed.

I sipped my espresso slowly as I pondered what she said. I felt happy since she was gradually opening up to me. 

" Do you like sweets?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "No , i am not a big fan of sweets."

We sat silently for a few moments while we ate.

"Wow, are you serious right now?" She exclaimed. The towering ceilings and grand staircase made it feel like I a mansion. I really enjoyed spending time here, but..." she trailed off, her hand waving dismissively as if to say she had stopped thinking about her idea.

"But what?" "It appears to be too straightforward. More flowers and paintings would make the space look much better."

"I'm not a big fan of paintings, but I can put flowers." any other ideas? "She glanced at me, clearly taken aback.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I was taken aback. "Why would you change your house for me?"

"Well, it is now my responsibility to look after you." That's why I asked, " She blushed slightly .I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as I watched her blush. It was a strange yet thrilling sensation like a mix of happiness and nervousness that I'll never forget.

"Anyway, who was that guy you were with at the hotel the other day?" Harper was taken aback by the question. I was even taken aback by the question myself.

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