ch 12 David Harper

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I could see the nervousness on Harper's face. She was the color of a tomato. I decided to be by her side the entire time. Soon after, my father and sister Amelia arrived. While I stood beside her, Harper took her time welcoming everyone. Amelia was pleased to finally meet Harper. She grabbed Harper away from me and began her monotonous conversations.

" Harper, you are much more gorgeous in person than my father described you. "It's no surprise my brother liked you," Amelia stated with a kind tone.

"Thanks for the compliment ." With a faint blush, I said.

"How is my brother doing?" Does he treat you well? If not, tell me and I'll take care of him," she clenched her fist.

"Nothing like that." He takes very good care of me." With a stutter, I said.

" He may be rude to you at times, but once he opens up to you, he will never abandon you." Outside, he appears chilly, however, he is quite sweet." She stated this while I was glancing at David. For some reason, everything Amelia stated was correct. When Amelia patted my back, I returned to reality.

"See, even Mark is here," she said as she gestured at a man in a black coat. I returned my gaze to see who he was. He approached us and sat alongside me.

" Hello, my name is Mark. I am Mark David's friend. "It's good to see you." He extended his hand in greeting.

"My name is Harper, David's wife." "Nice to see you as well," I said while shaking his hand. Amelia greeted Mark with a pat on the back. She then excused herself to use the restroom. It was now just me and Mark seated.

"How is life with David?" he inquired.

" Yeah, quite good," I responded in a strange tone. I had no idea he had such handsome friends. I was intrigued by him.

"So, what is your job? "Don't tell me you're also a CEO," I remarked in a mocking tone. He laughed and added, " No, I'm the cook. I enjoyed cooking, so I pursued it as a career. That took me by surprise. "Wow, that's amazing. "I enjoy cooking as well."

"I'm so glad to hear that," he said with a smile. "It's a great way to express creativity and build something delicious." He said.

I exclaimed excitedly. "But I never had the guts to pursue it as a career. "I was too scared for it."

"That's okay, people take their time discovering their talents, no worries if you're interested, you can contact me," he said while handing me a card.

"That's so nice. So, where do you work?

"I work in a small cafe that I own." I only recently opened it. I'm seeking cooks, so this will come in handy. because dealing with everything on your own is quite difficult." With a sigh, he said.

"That's nice. I'm not a professional baker, but I do know how to bake cookies and bakery things. So I might help you in certain ways."

"No problem, I can train you for that." It only takes a few days." He said that with complete confidence. I considered it because I don't have any employment where I might be trained by him. In the future, I hope to open my cafe. I decided to take the risk. I trusted his expertise and enrolled in his training program. It was a rewarding experience that helped me gain experience and confidence in my skills. I do have my savings set aside for future purposes.

"Well, that's a good price. So I believe I'll give it a shot." I said it a little confusedly. Following that, we discussed movies, outfits, and other topics. We had a lot in common, which surprised me. He cracked some amusing jokes during the conversation. I had a good conversation with him. I had a feeling that someone was staring at me. I spotted David giving Mark a filthy look when I looked around. I was taken aback by the intensity of David's gaze, and I knew something was afoot. I started to wonder what David's problem was with Mark and why he was so hostile towards him. I suspected that David was jealous of Mark because he had been talking to me. I was sure that David was having feelings for me, and he was displaying his jealousy through his hostile behavior towards Mark.

Then David appeared in front of us, laid his hand on my back, and took a seat beside me. The unexpected behavior astounded me. Mark then shrugged off the tension in the room, adding, "Well, isn't it time for dinner?" "I'm starving," Mark responded with a smirk.

David gave a small laugh and said, "Yeah, I'm hungry too. Let's get going before everything gets cold." We all got up and headed to dinner. Everyone sat down at the table and self-served. I was a little concerned about the meal. When David observed my nervousness, he placed his palm on mine and tapped it. His gesture made me feel safe and secure. It gave me a sense of comfort and love. It was a romantic gesture that spoke more than words ever could. The action had a calming effect on me. Everyone began to devour the dish, and they all enjoyed it. That made me happy.

Now I could finally focus on my food. David enjoyed it as well. We had a brief conversation over dinner. I was relieved that my father could join me. He also liked the meal. It was already late by the time dinner was over. As a result, everyone said their goodbyes and went. whereas David and I were busy doing the dishes. He was washing it at the time, so I wiped it with a cloth and set it on the shelf. He appeared to be overjoyed by the celebration.

"so are you happy that you could spend time with your father ." He asked

"yes, I am all the guests were kind, I was a bit nervous in the starting but Amelia and Mark made me quite comfortable."

When he heard Mark's name, his shoulders tensed for some reason.

"So, what did you talk about?" he inquired.

"Well, he told me about his work and we talked about cooking stuff." "He even offered me training to become a professional chef." While wiping the plates, I said.

"so are you gonna take the training," he asked

"Yeah, actually, I'm thinking about it,". Anyway, I'm unemployed and talented at cooking, so I'm going to take the training. My ambition is to one day own my cafe. "I'm hoping it comes true," I exclaimed enthusiastically. while David just kept his cool. After a few seconds, he inquired, "Well, I can invest in your cafe if you want."

"Are you serious?" I inquired.

"Yes, but I need a proper plan to invest in it." "Doing business is not easy," he remarked.

"yeah, that's true well we have a lot of time for it after finishing my training I can think about it and make a thorough plan," I replied with self-assurance.

After we were done with the dishes. I wished David goodnight and went to my room. I jumped into bed, turned off the lights, and promptly fell asleep. 

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