3.The wait

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blood on the splintered and dirty wooden planks, the same ferrous liquid on my hands, which were shaking, as well as my vision that was gradually blurring, only managed to send away the only person I could have saved who I really didn't want to go away but I had to... who knows where he went I think that wandering around like this half-broken by this pain can only bring desperation, this is what happened that day, which turned my life upside down, from that very important moment I drew my conclusions, those who use the abilities are nothing but curses resulting from the sins of all of us, we are all sinners but I am sure of my position, otherwise why would I have taken the life of my mother, I am superior, I am a prophet, specially chosen and personally by my God who made me a sinner to justify others..I will create a pure world..a just world, free of sin I thought calmly as I swayed gently playing a few notes on my loving cello, in front of me? a skill user bound and forced to listen to my docile melody, which I hope he will appreciate since it will be the one that will accompany his slow and agonizing death, what have I been doing all these past years? I have always been busy, I immediately put my interiority as a prophet into action and for some time I joined a terrorist association to better achieve my goals even if I wouldn't define us that way, terrorists do harm to those who don't deserve it, we on the other hand eliminate the unjust, we are judges, executioners but above all angels or at least that's what we call ourselves.
Today the corporal announced a new recruit for the association, it's a bit too much work to be just three.

I run, my legs hurt, I run again, I'm out of breath, I run anyway, tears flow from my eyes I lost a friend and I didn't know where to go, I couldn't stand running anymore, I stop to rest, I've never felt So in my life now I was seriously alone? and seriously lost... I could no longer put the problem aside and I didn't even want to abandon Fedya in his time of need but it could have been the end of me, I went back to wandering, I wandered all night until it became late, I resigned myself and looked for a comfortable place and I try to cover myself with the cape but an unusual and strong glow comes out of it, I am curious about the singular event, I put my hand on the light and I found myself in front of my home, I was amazed, then I too was special, I too could have a I'm proud but as soon as I passed the little window of my house I overheard a conversation between my mother and a friend of hers "I'm really glad he got lost, I couldn't stand his useless carefreeness anymore" said the mother "don't you think he's a bit rude talking like that about your son, it's still blood from your blood, it's not like that little bird" I point to my friend at my little parrot, now dead because it hasn't been fed for months "it might be blood but not blood from my body, that bad boy has nothing of mine it only reminds me of a poor picnicker who is unconscious of the life he encounters" he recites these words with contempt, while he takes the poor guy's cage and empties it out the window, leaving the poor bird crushed to the ground lifeless as if a wheel had crushed him , those sharp words were enough for me, my back had been stabbed by an unforgettable blade, tears ran down my face, I thought I had found freedom but the truth is that I am a prisoner in the cage of my feelings and actions themselves, with my skill I moved from placed in place making life livable for me, now years have passed and I have grown up a lot, I no longer want to feel emotions I want to become like antagonistic monsters in new and very modern short films, today I have my first interview for an important association, I am very enthusiastic.

The meeting door opened and from there came out a tall person with very long white hair braided in a long braid, clothing that resembled that of a circus performer, a nice top hat on his head and a bright eye with a deep scar, while the other covered by a playing card "is allowed! Nikolai Gogol ready at your service!" he said, spreading his arms enthusiastically and with a small final bow but his gaze fell on the boy in front of him, dressed in white, dark hair unkempt, purple irises, ushanka on his head, there was no doubt he was looking at his old friend , her heart skipped a beat and she approached him.

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