19.the sacrament

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I set out early as tradition dictates, to experience the moment of arrival, the wait was unnerving, I almost felt anxious, Sigma would come in with Nikolaj to bring the wedding rings, I had placed two signs on two of the many empty chairs, one with written mum and the other written dad, I bet she's looking at me from above and I hope she's proud of me, someone enters but it wasn't Nikolai with the ring holder, but two older men, I watched them take their seats and they look at me smiling, I can't understand who they are until one of them sits down in the chair named dad "father?" it was instinctive for me to say "my son" he said with a smile as he slowly approached to hug me, I hadn't seen my father since I was a young infant, since he left for work "how did you manage to find me? and why did you do it , don't you know what kind of person I am?" my father put his hand on my shoulder "a father always knows where his son is and how he is, even if you were the biggest criminal I wouldn't abandon you" I smiled in response "then this is truly the best day of my life" father nodded, sitting down again "I'm very pleased to hear you say that" I approached them "but you must be Nikolai's father" he smiled "yes, it's really me, nice to meet you" he shook my hand "my pleasure , Nikolai will be very happy to see you again" he smiled, he looked a lot like his son "I'm so happy too, who knows how he's changed since he was little, oh how I regret those times and my actions" "don't worry" I went back to 'altar with a smile and a few moments later I heard the melody start, I turned and saw the most beautiful man in the world before my eyes.

I passed the nave, I see my fiancé in front of me, I almost feel moved, he was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off him, I went forward with long strides, Sigma was in front of me and was carrying our wedding rings, he gave them to the priest and then went to sit as a witness and when I arrived I took the hand of my beloved "you are beautiful" I said to him "you too" he replied and I smiled at him, when I looked around I saw two people among the many empty chairs of the guests, two to be precise men and looking closer I noticed that one of them was my father, my father had come to my wedding, so it was not part of my mother's plan to abandon me, I smiled at him and he did the same to me, the priest called my attention.
"dearest, you have gathered here before the minister of the Church and before the community so that your decision to join in marriage may be strengthened by the seal of the Lord and your love, enriched by his blessing, may be strengthened in mutual and perpetual fidelity and in the fulfillment of the other duties of Marriage. I therefore ask you to express your intentions before the Church. Do you declare that you have entered into marriage without any coercion?" Fyodor and I replied in unison "yes, I declare" and from there, the ceremony began.

"If it is your intention to join in marriage, give each other your right hand and express your consent before God and his Church." the two looked into each other's eyes and shook hands "now you can make your declarations" said the priest passing the parchment to the dark-haired man "I, Fyodor Dostoevsky, welcome you, Nikolai Gogol, as my legitimate husband. I promise to always be faithful to you, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, and to love you and honor you all the days of my life" he said with a smile and then passed it to the blond, who began in turn "I, Nikolai Gogol, welcome you, Fyodor Dostoevsky as my legitimate husband. I promise to be faithful to you always, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, and to love and honor you all the days of my life" while he was reading he had tears in his eyes with joy "the last promise" he said smiling "do you want Fyodor Dostoevsky to take Nikolai Gogol as your legitimate husband, to love him and honor him in joy and in sorrow and in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" , "yes I want it" he said and then put the wedding ring on the finger of his beloved who by now had let a few tears run down his face "and you Nikolai Gogol, do you want to take Fyodor Dostoevsky as your legitimate husband, love him and honor him with joy and in pain, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” "yes, I want it" he said putting the wedding ring on the dark-haired man and then placing the back of his hand on his forehead "and by the power given to me, I declare you married, you can kiss the groom" the two kissed while holding hands, their small audience applauded them and they were happy with it

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