11.the ailment

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Time passed, it continued to pass, but the dark-haired man's ailment just couldn't go away, it only got worse, his symptoms were aggravated, he had severe abdominal pain, he often threatened to vomit and had gastrointestinal problems, he had recently started spitting up a few drops of blood when he vomited, his beloved began to worry, he went every day to measure his temperature, change the damp cloth on his forehead, fed him the food he needed and many other small attentions. One day, annoyed with the situation, a doctor called, he arrived at the palace and Nikolai explained the situation to him, and his symptoms and went together with the doctor to his companion, "fedya the doctor has arrived" he said opening the door showing a sleeping Fyodor tired of his pain, he simply replied with a weak exhalation of breath, the doctor approached and examined him, every time he added something to his medical record he made a worried look "do you have any idea how it got mixed up?" he asked "we think the wet clothes  but it's lasting too long to be a simple fever" Nikolaj said putting his hand on Fyodor's forehead "in fact unfortunately it isn't, my diagnosis is not certain but there is a small possibility that it could be the marburg virus disease" nikolaj looked at fyodor stroking his head and then looked at the doctor he asked a little worried " it is a disease known as Marburg hemorrhagic fever which belongs to the same family as Ebola, although the Marburg and Ebola viruses are two distinct viruses, they cause clinically very similar diseases and with similar fatality rates. The incubation period generally lasts 5 to 10 days, but periods of 2 to 21 days have also been observed. The onset of the disease is sudden with non-specific symptoms and signs such as high fever between 39 and 40°, severe headache, chills, malaise and muscle pain. Three days after onset, cramps and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may appear which can last for up to a week. From the fifth to the seventh day, a maculopapular rash may appear and the clinical picture may worsen with the appearance of manifestations of hemorrhagic fever such as petechiae, mucosal and gastrointestinal hemorrhages, and bleeding from venous sampling sites.Subsequently, neurological symptoms and signs such as disorientation, agitation, convulsions and comatose state may also appear. Disseminated intravascular coagulation, lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia may appear within a week of the onset of the disease. The fatality rate is around 50%, but can range from 24-88% based on the therapeutic management of the case and the viral strain. In fact, early treatment can significantly improve the chances of survival. In lethal cases, death occurs between 8 and 16 days from onset and is attributable to dehydration, internal bleeding and multiple organ failure. Human-to-human transmission occurs through direct contact, for example through damaged skin or the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth, with blood or other body fluids such as urine, saliva, feces, vomit, semen of an infected person or through indirect contact with contaminated surfaces or objects such as clothes, sheets or medical equipment or infected moist surfaces. The risk of transmission is higher during the last stages of the disease, in the presence of vomiting, diarrhea or bleeding. The risk of transmission during the incubation period is negligible. Regarding the persistence of Marburg virus in body fluids, data are limited. However, since this virus belongs to the same family as the one responsible for Ebola disease, it can be assumed that the persistence of the virus in body fluids may be similar. There is evidence that Marburg virus can persist in some body fluids, including semen, even after the acute phase of the disease. So having said this parenthesis on the disease, I recommend not only taking the gentleman to a medical facility where he will be identified if he is actually positive for the virus but also going there to see if he has contracted the virus by being close to him" Nikolaj kept his eyes wide open the whole time, there was the risk of losing him again, it couldn't happen that it would happen again, he had to save him from the cruel fate, Fyodor didn't budge one iota even in the face of a presumed death while the other was clearly agitated "we'll go there immediately, thank you very much for 'help doctor..' said nikolaj 'don't worry about anything, it's my duty' he said leaving leaving the boys alone, 'the two of us are going straight to the hospital now' nikolaj said worriedly 'it's ok but don't be so nervous' 'I have only fear of losing you" with his skill he took both of them to the hospital.


A bit of a boring chapter but I wanted to describe Fyodor's illness as best and as clearly as possible so that the sequel will be clearer <3

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