13.flow of thoughts

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They took him to therapy, he could observe him from the sad little window of the room with one hand resting on the cold glass while he observed him.
His beloved was paler than usual, with obvious signs of tiredness, attached to various machines that helped him against his illness, sunken cheeks, excessive weight loss, he took nourishment from a thin straw through his nose; looking at him in that state hurt him, it hurt him greatly, every look he gave him was a stab in the belly, he felt guilty due to his state, it was he who had made the antidote for the infection... his death was his fault ? now that he didn't want to, he was killing him and he could no longer do anything to save him, other than look at him and pray to his god to save his faithful disciple. He remained night and day in front of that glass pane and they only rarely let him in and when he did his best action was to hold his hand; 15 days had passed since the incubation, time was running out and there didn't seem to be any signs of improvement. A nurse convinced Nikolaj to take a breath of fresh air on the balcony but when he went there, the bright moon and the cool breeze only reminded him of the nights come to dance with Fyodor and the latter asked him for one last dance, he knelt to the moon, only she could see him at the moment, he let out a tear, he himself was amazed, it couldn't end like this, there had to be a possibility , a poor alternative option to medicine, he would not have lost Fyodor so soon, but the research tired him a lot, he was exhausted, and the comfort of the moonlight lulled him into a quiet swaddle that made him fall asleep in that position, sleeping on his thoughts. ..
empty, he looked around; empty, he couldn't find anything other than this expanse of black until a mirror appeared in front of him, an old and scruffy mirror, in its reflection he saw someone scruffy, poorly cared for, with a decomposing body on his shoulders, he was looking for to free himself from his fellow men but the thought of the vision only tormented him, he looked at his feet, instead of the floor there was a large lake of blood, boom eyes wide open, everything was ok, just a nightmare, even if he couldn't go on Like this.

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