Ch 1 Prologue

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The Dark Moon is shining brightly over Evershade Valley. In the valley is the Gloomy Manor where renowned scientist Professor Elvin Gadd, or E.Gadd for short, currently resides.

The professor was inside the lab working on an invention. As he was working a green ghost was slowly sneaking up on him. When the professor saw it the ghost gave a friendly smile.

It was revealed that the lab was full of ghosts who were helping the professor.

At another table was a woman, around 24, also working on an invention. She was pale skinned with freckles across her nose. She had green eyes and orange hair that was tied in two low pigtails. She had on light blue overalls with a yellow shirt and grey work gloves on her hands. Around her waist was a toolbelt and over her eyes were a pair of brass goggles.

This was Spectra Spooks. The only living resident of Evershade valley. Raised by the kind ghosts of the valley she grew up to be an inventor.

Spectra stuck out her tongue as she concentrated on her invention.

"And... Finished!" Spectra said moving her goggles to the top of her head.

She took the device and plugged it into another device.

"Just needs to charge and it'll be ready" Spectra said.

"Oh ho! I can't wait to see it" E.Gadd said.

The professor came to Evershade valley when Spectra was finishing up her college education. When he saw her knack for inventing and her relationship with ghosts he took her under his wing as an apprentice.

Unknown to them, however, was that the peaceful times were over.

High in the sky was King Boo. King Boo laughed evily as he charged the jewel on his crown. The jewel shot out a blast at the Dark moon breaking it into pieces. The pieces fell to the valley below before the land was enveloped in an eerie purple fog.

Back at the Gloomy Manor the ghosts gasped and stopped dead in their tracks. The pupils dissapeared from their eyes before they went on a rampage.

"Gadzooks! What's happening!?" E.Gadd exclaimed.

"Guys what are you do- AH!"

Spectra yelped as she ducked to avoid an incoming wrench. E.Gadd grabbed Spectra's arm and raced out of the Gloomy Manor. As they were running Spectra tripped on something. She yelped as she fell to the ground.

"Are you ok, ms. Spooks" E.Gadd asked.

Spectra got up and dusted herself off.

"Yeah, I just tripped on a-"

Her voice died when she saw what she tripped on. Bending down she picked it up to reveal a large purple crystal. She looked up in the sky hoping desperately it wasn't what she thought it was.

"Where is it!? Where is it!?"

"Ms. Spooks calm down and tell me what's wrong" E.Gadd said.

Spectra handed him the purple crystal.

"Oh dear... Is that what I think it is?" E.Gadd asked.

"I'm afraid so. It's the Dark moon"

The scene shifts to the home of Luigi. Inside his home Luigi was asleep on his chair. Suddenly the T.V turned to static waking him up.


Luigi got up and was about to turn it off when E.Gadd appeared on the screen.


Luigi screamed and scrambled back on the floor.

"I need your help, sonny! It's an emergency! The ghosts have gone hostile!" E.Gadd exclaimed.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now