ch 15 Underground Expedition

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Spectra went down to the vault and stormed up to the Boo containment unit.

"All right I want some answers! Why did you come to Evershade valley? Where are the other Dark Moon pieces? Who shattered the Dark Moon?" Spectra demanded.

The Boos didn't answer her, they only cackled evily. Spectra growled in anger.


The Boos continued to cackle, delighting in her anger. Spectra pulled back her fist when it was suddenly grabbed by Luigi. Spectra looked back to see Luigi's stern, yet concerned, face. Spectra let out a sigh.

"I know, I know. Being angry won't help anything"

Luigi let go of her fist. The Boos cackled mockingly making the two glare at them.

"Come on, let's get out of here" Luigi said guiding Spectra back up to the Bunker.

There they saw E.Gadd typing on his computer. E.Gadd noticed them and turned to face them.

"Ah! Spectra, Luigi, just in time! I have good news, the special compass revealed an alternative entrance to the underground! I've marked it on your map. Take a look!" E.Gadd said.

Luigi opened the DS and pulled up the map.

"The normal access may be blocked, but there's an exterior hatch located in the Clockworks court" E.Gadd said.

Luigi put away the DS and E.Gadd pulled out the compass. The compass turned like a dial.

"And get this: the special compass opens it! They don't call it special for nothin'! Heh heh!" E.Gadd said before giving the compass to Spectra.

"Now, let's talk about the missing parts of the clock tower gate" E.Gadd said.

A monitor lowered showing a pair of clock hands.

"We're looking for the clock hands. You know, the things that tell you when it's bedtime? Knowing ghosts, they probably took them as deep underground as possible" E.Gadd said before the monitor lifted.

"I have a hunch where it's hidden. I can get us down there" Spectra said.

"Excellent! Good luck, you two. Don't get lost down there! Heh heh..." E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled in the court. Spectra landed in a pile of sand releasing three flying beetles.

"Gah! Shoo! Shoo! I hate these things!" Spectra exclaimed as she swatted at the beetles.

Luigi used his Poltergust to blow the beetles away.

"Thanks" Spectra said.

"No problem" Luigi said.

Spectra and Luigi hopped over the barrier gate and approached the secret entrance. Spectra placed the compass into the mechanism on the ground. The compass spun and the sand blew away revealing a metal door. Spectra bent down and pushed on the metal door but it wouldn't open.

"Huh, that's strange" Spectra said.

Spectra got up and tapped her foot on the door. Nothing happened. Spectra stomped her foot on the door. Nothing happened. Luigi walked ontop of the door and jumped on it. Nothing happened. Luigi turned to Spectra and shrugged.

"Hmm... maybe I didn't insert it right" Spectra said as she kneeled down to the compass.

Spectra was turning the compass when suddenly the door opened. Spectra and Luigi screamed as they fell down the chute. They slid down a conveyor belt and landed in the storm cellar. The two groaned as they got up.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now