ch 29 Stop the Knightmare

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"This is it, youngsters. It all comes down to this. All paths seem to be pointing toward that mysterious portal on the Terrace. The Parascope can't find the Dark Moon piece anywhere. There's no place left for it to be. And the same goes for King Boo... He must be beyond the portal, still furious that you captured all the ghosts he sent through it! And last but not least, your brother, Mario! King Boo must have taken him through the portal too. So, as I said... This is it. The moment of truth. Look. If you... uh... don't ever come back. Just know..." E.Gadd said getting choked up.

"Just know that I'm very proud of you both. Very proud. *sniff*" E.Gadd said.

Spectra gave E.Gadd a sad smile.

"Don't think this is goodbye. You promised me you'd teach me everything you know and I've still got a lot to learn" Spectra said.

"We won't let you down, Professor" Luigi said.

"I know you won't. Good luck, youngsters" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi reassembled on the Terrace. Spectra and Luigi turned around to face the portal.

"This is it. No turning back now" Luigi said.

Suddenly the portal flashed purple and began to suck them in. Spectra and Luigi fought against the suction, but it was no use. The two screamed as they were pulled into the portal. They yelled until they fell flat on their faces.

"Ow..." Spectra and Luigi groaned before they got up.

The two took a look at their surroundings.

"Where are we?" Luigi asked.

Spectra looked out one of the windows and saw a purple void.

"I think we're in a pocket dimension. The Professor and I had theories that Evershade Valley contained them, but we never had any concrete proof to back them up" Spectra explained.

"Well... I'd say you've got your proof" Luigi said.

Suddenly he caught sight of a suit of armor holding the Dark Moon piece.

"There it is!" Luigi said.

Spectra and Luigi walked up to the suit of armor.

"No way it's this easy" Spectra said suspicious.

Luigi slowly reached for the Dark Moon piece. He was just about to grab it when a possessor ghost appeared around it. Luigi pulled his hand back before the possessor could bite it. The possessor then sent out a blast of energy knocking Spectra and Luigi back.

Spectra and Luigi stared in shock as the possessor ghost split in two. The two possessors flew into two suits of armor. The knights raised their weapons and charged at the two. The two screamed as they ran away. The knights slammed down thier weapons, barely missing the two ghost hunters.

It was then that Luigi noticed the rug one of the knights were standing on. Remembering the cerimonial chamber, Luigi grabbed the rug and pulled it out from under the knight. The knight fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Luigi laughed in victory.

Just then the other knight stopped chasing Spectra. He faced the fallen knight and lifted a glowing purple hand. The fallen knight glew purple before reassembling.

"Oh come on!" Luigi exclaimed.

The knights resumed chasing Spectra and Luigi.

"We've got to knock both of them over at the same time!" Spectra said avoiding an axe strike.

Spectra and Luigi lured the knights to one of the rugs. Spectra and Luigi then lept out of the way before the knights could strike them. They then grabbed the rug and pulled as hard as they could. The knights fell over and fell apart.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now