ch 4 Quiet Please!

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"Ok. It's ready" Spectra said moving her goggles to the top of her head.

She had fixed the gears and attached them to a crank. She picked it up and faced the boys.

"Excellent work Ms. Spooks. Now we'll be able to access the northern rooms" E.Gadd said.

Suddenly faint piano music could be heard.

"Do you guys hear that?" Luigi asked.

E.Gadd turned to the computer.

"The parascope is picking up an audible signal from the cery same area we're trying to reach! Let's see here... It's... Music! How odd" E.Gadd said.

"There's a piano in the library. One of the ghosts must be playing it" Spectra said.

"Spectra, Luigi, this is the strongest paranormal signal we've seen yet. With a signal that strong, I reckon the ghost playing the piano might be giving orders to the other ghosts! No time to waste, youngsters! Get to the library, and catch that ghost!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Luigi and Spectra reassembled in the entrance.

"Ok, last I checked the main entrance to the library is blocked off so we'll have to go the long way through the north rooms" Spectra said.

They entered the guard hall only to see the suits of armor were missing. The two stared wide-eyed at the empty hall.

"What happened to the suits of armor?" Luigi asked fearfully.

"That... is a very good question" Spectra said.

The two made their way down the hall and entered the foyer. The two walked up to the mechanism and Spectra inserted the gear crank. She turned the crank activating the mechanism and lowered the aquarium that was blocking the door.

"There we go. Now we can move forward" Spectra said.

The two headed upstairs and entered the lobby and found two Greenies playing rock-paper-scissors. The ghosts saw them and yelped. One turned invisible while the other one tried calling for the elevator. Luigi and Spectra stunned the ghosts and sucked them up.

The elevator arrived bringing a Slammer ghost and some spiders. The two stunned him and sucked him up.

"Ah! Get 'em off! Get 'em off!" Luigi exclaimed as he swatted the spiders off of him.

"Hold on" Spectra said as she got the spiders off of him.

Luigi sighed in relief.

"Sorry, I just don't like spiders" Luigi said.

"That's ok, lots of people are afraid of spiders. Nothing to be ashamed about" Spectra said patting his shoulder.

They then entered the second floor library. The second floor was a balcony that overlooked the library on the first floor. There they saw books floating around and the piano playing by itself.

"Ok, we just got to get to the door on the other side of the room" Spectra said quietly.

"Got it" Luigi said quietly.

The two slowly started to creep along the balcony when suddenly a book was thrown at them.

"OW!" Spectra exclaimed as the book hit her.

"Are you ok-"

"Look out!"

Spectra pushed Luigi back to avoid an Incoming book.

"Move!" Spectra exclaimed.

The two then ran for the door while avoiding the books thrown at them. They quickly opened the door and entered the dining room. Luigi quickly shut the door behind him. Books could be heard hitting the door behind him.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now