ch 5 Visual Tricks

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"I tell ya, youngsters, some things in this world are just too strange to be real. Some are real, of course, but some are... illusions. Here, I've got something to show you" E.Gadd said before pulling out a container with a floating orb inside.

"This is a Spirit Ball, a paranormal specimen with the ability to cause illusions. And someone is releasing a whole mess of 'em inside the Gloomy Manor!" E.Gadd said before putting the spirit ball away.

"That's why some of the objects in there - even whole suits of armor - have suddenly vanished! But trust me... they're still there! Luckily, I created a special Poltergust 5000 attachment a while back that will help us" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd pressed a button and a monitor lowered showing a flashlight-like device.

"I call it the Dark-Light Device. It's a nifty little doodad able to break illusions, such as objects that have been turned invisible" E.Gadd said before the monitor retracted.

"But with all the ghosts gone hostile, I haven't been able to return to the lab to retrieve it" E.Gadd said.

"Don't worry Professor, we'll get it. I also have an invention in the lab that will help us" Spectra said.

"Excellent! You'll find the Dark-Light Device attached to It's charging station. It should be fully charged by now. Ok, I'm sending you in. Prepare to be pixelated!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled in the entrance.

"Ok, let's get to the lab" Spectra said.

Luigi nodded.


They entered the guard hall to see the suits of armor had returned. Luigi sighed.

"I was really hoping they wouldn't come back" Luigi said.

The two ran down the guard hall avoiding the suits of armor. They entered the foyer before entering the common hall. They were about to enter the lab when the door suddenly disappeared.

"What the-!?" Spectra exclaimed.

Suddenly a high pitched cackling was heard making them jump.

"Now what do we do? We can't get into the lab" Luigi said.

"There's another entrance, but we'll need to get to the parlor upstairs" Spectra said.

The two exited the common hall and entered the foyer. They were halfway up the stairs when the steps suddenly turned into a slide.

"NOT AGAIN!" Spectra exclaimed as the two slid down the stairs.

A hider popped up and taunted them before going into hiding. The two got up and dusted themselves off.

"You ok?" Spectra asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok" Luigi said.

Just then a Slammer ghost popped out of the fountain.

Find the hider! I'll take care of the Slammer" Luigi said.

Spectra started searching while Luigi fought the Slammer. Spectra found the hider and captured it. Luigi had just captured the Slammer when two more hiders appeared. The two ghost hunters found and captured them.

Once the room was clear the two climbed the stairs and entered the Master hall before entering the parlor. Once inside they saw spirit balls float up from tge fire place extinguishing the flames. They flew into the grandfather clock making it disappear. The same high pitched cackling could be heard.

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