ch 12 Doggone Key

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"Well, youngsters, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that the ghost dog that took the special key is still somewhere in the Haunted Towers. The bad news is that the dog is running from room to room, so we can't actually pinpoint him" E.Gadd said.

"Great" Spectra said flatly while Luigi groaned.

"However, the parascope discovered something that may help us. The dog left behind a trail of spectral paw prints  starting in the courtyard! If you follow that invisible trail, you should eventually find him. The prints will be invisible to the naked eye, but Ms. Spooks should be able to see them with her Spector-Spec's. Ready youngsters?" E.Gadd asked.

"Ready" Spectra and Luigi said.

"Don't you dare come back here without that special key!" E.Gadd said surprising the two.

E.Gadd laughed.

"Ha ha! You should've seen your faces. Ha! Priceless" E.Gadd said.

Spectra rolled her eyes while Luigi shook his head.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled at the entrance.

The two could hear barking and entered the courtyard. There they saw Polterpup in the plants with his leg raised. The special key was next to him.

"Hey! No! Bad Polterpup! You know better!" Spectra scolded.

Polterpup just smiled innocently before playing with the key. Polterpup then swallowed the key much to the ghost hunters surprise.

Polterpup looked at Luigi before barking happily. Spectra raised an eyebrow curiously. Spectra took a step back from Luigi. Polterpup got excited. Polterpup ran around Luigi before disappearing into the east tower.

"Interesting..." Spectra mumbled to herself before snapping back into focus.

Spectra slipped on her goggles and activated her Spector-Spec's. Spectra saw the pawprints and the two followed the trail.

They entered the Hydro generator room before entering the east hall. They then followed the trail into the toolshed. The trail led to a drawer. Spectra opened it and Polterpup jumped out. He tackled Luigi and licked his face before running off. Spectra tried to stun him but he got away.

Luigi sat up and wiped the slober off his face. Spectra chuckled as she helped him up.

"Guess we know who the favorite is" Spectra said.

"Which way did he go?" Luigi asked.

Spectra looked around and found the trail.

"This way" Spectra said.

The two entered the garden where they saw Polterpup next to the lawnmower. Polterpup was playing with the ignition cord.

"Uh-oh" Spectra and Luigi said.

Polterpup pulled the cord starting the lawnmower. The two screamed and jumped out of the way of the speeding lawnmower. Luigi saw Polterpup fly back into the tower.

"He went back inside!" Luigi said.

"Let's go!" Spectra said.

The two headed for the door only to be startled by three sneaker ghosts. Spectra, being able to see them, stunned and captured them. The two then entered the tool shed only to see it completely empty. The two yelped in surprise.

"Where's all the furniture?" Luigi asked.

Spectra looked around and saw illusions everywhere.

"This whole room is covered in illusions" Spectra said.

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