ch 9 The Pinwheel Gate

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"Want to hear the news about the Dark Moon piece?" E.Gadd asked.

Spectra and Luigi nodded eagerly.

"Well, the parascope was having a heck of a time trying to pinpoint it's location... But then it hit me - I can analyze the Dark Moon pieces we already have to improve the precision! Naturally, I was right, and after a little tinkering the parascope produced better results. Remember that gigantic tree? The Dark Moon piece seems to be somewhere up there! So, we know roughly where it is, but the hard part is getting there. You'll need to cross the newly raised bridge and explore the interior of the Hollow Tree to find a way up. Got all that?" E.Gadd asked.

"Got it" Spectra and Luigi said.

"Then off you go!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled at the entrance. When Luigi landed his foot got caught in a bucket of water. Luigi groaned as he kicked it off.

The two then entered the courtyard and approached the Pinwheel gate.

"Ok, normally the ghosts would open the gate for me. Since that's not an option we'll have to do it ourselves" Spectra said.

Spectra and Luigi aimed their poltergusts at the Pinwheel lock and used the blow function to spin the vanes. As the vanes were spinning a hider popped out of the lock, startling the two and knocking them back. The hider laughed before calling out for his friends. Four more hiders appeared and each stole a vane from the Pinwheel lock. The ghosts then flew off into the east tower.

Spectra and Luigi got up from the ground.

"Not again!" Luigi said.

"The Pinwheel gate won't open without It's vanes! We gotta find them quick!" Spectra said as she and Luigi chased after them.

The two entered the Hydro generator room. Spectra turned to the electrical lock. She removed her glove and pressed her thumb on the scanner. The door unlocked. Spectra put her glove back on and the two entered the east hall.

There they saw three of the hiders. The hiders panicked when they saw them and spit up into different rooms. Spectra groaned in frustration.

"They could be anywhere at this point. How will we know which rooms to search?" Spectra asked.

Just then the DS gave off a chime. Luigi opened it to see that the map was marked.

"Looks like the Professor found their hiding spots" Luigi said.

Spectra took a look at the map and nodded.

"Got it" Spectra said.

Spectra saw that a door was missing and put on her Spector-Spec's. She activated them and saw the hidden door.

"There's a door right there" Spectra said placing her goggles back on her head.

Luigi shined the Dark-Light device on the wall releasing the spirit balls. Luigi sucked them up and the door was revealed.

The two entered the Gardener's dwelling. The two started to look around for the hider. Luigi opened a cabinet and was startled by the hider. The hider quickly dived into the floor.

"He's heading for the lab!" Spectra said.

Spectra raced to the wall and pressed a hidden button. The bed retracted into the wall to reveal an elevator.

"Hop on" Spectra said stepping onto the elevator.

Luigi scrambled to get on as it started going down. The two made it down into the Gardener's lab. There they saw a Greenie wearing sunglasses. The greenie was messing with a trapped carnivorous plant.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now